Cyclist Down: Mayor Mark E. Furrer’s road?

Yesterday, Sunset Hills, MO Mayor Mark E. Furrer drove his car up to cyclist Randy Murdick and told him to get off HIS roads. Then he ran him over. Police showed up to the scene, but made no arrests, and have yet to file a report.
Story: HERE
How to contact the fine Mayor:
Work phone: 314-849-3400; ext: 2249
Cell phone: 314-378-6804
The account from Randy’s Facebook:
I will give a brief description of events, Coming down old Gravois road (big hill) a red Mercedes convert alb with the top down comes up next to me screaming get off my roads, get off my roads. After what seemed like ten seconds of this he whips his car to the right hitting me on the left side of my body knocking the bike out from under me. My left arm hooked the back of the passenger door and he gunned it flinging me off onto the road. This all happened around 20mph. After I got up the car behind him that thankfully did not run me over asked if I was ok, I said would you please chase him and get his plate number. What I didn’t know was a truck coming the other direction saw the entire thing and did a u-turn and chased him down. I will skip the other details for now. Long story short that did a vehicle accident report and let him go???? WTF!!!! I went up to the police station with my attorney after thinking about what just happened. Something just didn’t seem right. Five cop cars…. No information for me and they let him go. I will preface the next part by saying that the Sunset Hills police promise to do everything by the book… continue reading new balance heart rate monitor

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

50 Replies to “Cyclist Down: Mayor Mark E. Furrer’s road?”

  1. Thanks for joining the fight and having the balls to say whatever you want to say! As a cyclist in the St. Louis area this shit has to stop…the shitty thing is that the news will turn on the cyclist.
    Keep fighting the good fight, drink beer and ride bikes!

  2. Guess we should all start carrying guns and tacks…that’s totally attempted murder, as well as fleeing the scene of an accident.

  3. Pingback: Cyclist Down: Mayor Mark E. Furrer’s road? | PEDAL CANTON

  4. My email. I suggest you do the same

    I am shocked that 24 hrs after allegedly hitting a cyclist with an eye witness corroborating the incident that there is no official report on the matter.

    I am sure more witnesses will come forward and I hope they do, actions like this will not be tolerated and history has proved that the driver is almost always the provoker so I find it hard to believe that someone on a 20lb bike would go on the offensive of a 3k lb car.

    You may be mayor of a small town in MO and I applaud you for that however, you must now answer to an inquisitive crowd TEN times that. You have reached a fork in your career, by accident or on purpose, and individuals like myself band together to ensure truth prevails and situations like this don’t happen again.

    Concerned cyclist and public servant

  5. This kinda shit has got to stop period….St Louis, Tucson, San Fransisco, Chicago, etc.. No one is above the law which includes Mayors, Council Members, everyday Citizens, Cops, Ice Cream Truck Drivers all must abide by common sense and the SAME set of laws that govern us all.


  6. Here’s the mayor’s response. But I have two points to make:
    I’ve ridden at Old Gravois and Weber Hill. It seems REALLY unlikely that an experienced rider would even travel on the tiny section of Weber Hill between 141 and Old Gravois, much less ride recklessly there. Also, it’s a high visibility intersection, so surprising a driver, even one who is not paying attention, seems pretty unlikely.

    And the cyclist reported hearing “get off *my* road” not knowing that it was the mayor driving in the confines of *his* city. True, it could have been embellished after the fact, by why such a specific reference instead of the classic “get off *the* road”. Seems like an unlikely thing to fabricate.

  7. Thank you… This dirtbag deserves all the negative press he can handle. I am sharing on my Facebook and will link to my blog. Spreading the word!

  8. The Facebook page has been taken down. The cell phone goes straight to voicemail. Keep pushing against these people who have no regard for human life

  9. Shouldn’t it be the police department getting an earful? Mr. Mayor should be put in jail for a long time for this.

  10. Huh… I looked at the comments on that St. Louis Dispatch website and assumed it would be massively filled with people against the cyclist… but not so. Most are siding with the cyclist. Nice to see once.

  11. Keep this going, this piece of shit needs to be behind bars. Today.

    My email to the police chief…

    “Dear Chief:

    I sincerely hope the tenets you claim: Professionalism, Respect, INTEGRITY, Teamwork, Excellence, and dedication are all true. I do not live in your city however I will be following the news surrounding Mayor Furrer’s alleged assault with a deadly weapon (his car), hit and run, and attempted murder of a bicyclist in your town with great interest. I too on occasion enjoy riding bicycles along roadways, as I have every right to. And on occasion, I too have been harassed by ignorant and unruly drivers of motor vehicles. I always do my best to to avoid confrontation and keep myself safe, as I have a wife and young children who need me and count on me, just as many other cyclists do.

    The preliminary evidence, eye-witness accounts makes it pretty clear what happened in this case. It is almost an impossibility that a grown man who competes in athletic events as much as the victim in this case does would purposely attack a 3+ thousand pound vehicle with what I am guessing is a 15-20lb bicycle. I know from experience… that dog won’t hunt.

    In addition it is 100% clear that the Mayor did flee the scene after knowingly hitting the cyclist. That alone should be cause for a field sobriety test. Had it been any citizen not holding public office in your town that would absolutely be the case.

    As I said, I will be following this story very closely hoping that justice is served, your mayor is behind bars, much less no longer your mayor, and off the roads where he clearly is a menace to the same people you are sworn to protect and to serve.

    If it appears justice is not served I will make it one of my life’s missions to warn as many people about your town as I possibly can.

    Best regards and respectfully yours,”

  12. In response to “Jon”, who said: “I’ve ridden at Old Gravois and Weber Hill. It seems REALLY unlikely that an experienced rider would even travel on the tiny section of Weber Hill between 141 and Old Gravois, much less ride recklessly there.”

    What do you mean? First, 141 is pretty far south, so I presume you mean “30” and not “141”. But, besides that, experienced cyclists will travel that short stretch of road often because it’s pretty much the only way to get to Old Gravois. Further, across 30, on the north side, is Weber Hill with a very nice climb (or descent if you’re going the other way), and cyclists ride *that* pretty frequently, too. Just look at strava.

  13. Had a similar situation in my town, Gardnerville, NV, where the judge turned in front of a cyclist (rider going with traffic flow, right turn just in front of cyclist, if that helps), hitting the cyclist because he did not give enough space, and the rider died. NOTHING was done to the judge worthy of anything more than a slap on the wrist with a wet noodle. Guess we’ll just have to vote his ass out…..

  14. We just had a rider here in NOLA killed by a truck making a wide right hand turn. No citation. From what I can see, he was doing nothing wrong and riding on a forward path through and intersection and was taken down by a right hook from the truck. I don’t think the rider ever had a chance, but there’s a lot of bike haters out there making up BS and blaming the victim.

  15. NOLA rider that intersection is seriously FUBAR’d where the cyclist was killed. There is a right turn lane for cars and light trucks, the bike lane, and then a right turn lane for semis/through lane for cars and light trucks, and another through lane. The markings on the turn lane for semis are pavement only and unless you’re high enough from the ground to see the pavement markings you wouldn’t know semis can make a right turn across the bike lane.

    Bur getting back to the dick in the mayor’s car, can he account for his whereabouts at 0115 on 08/31/2001? Because that is the exact phrasing the driver that tried to kill me used on the return pass in my lane just before I got hit. First pass in the opposite direction was “the”, second pass after making the u-turn was “my”.

  16. Pingback: Morning Links: LA Streets officially suck, road raging Missouri mayor, and Canadian cyclist shot during race | BikinginLA

  17. Dear cyclist,
    Speaking to only those who ride your bikes on the street. You all are stupid. Let me explain please. Society is full of stupid, drunk, and sick people. They own cars to. So instead of riding your bike on the sidewalk, where it is a small inconvience to you, you ride on the street. I find articles like this amazing. You are suprised this happend? I have no sympathy for you. I could care less if you get hit. Let it be a clear reminder to you the ideology hurts sometimes and just because you should be able to ride your bile on the street without getting hurt does not mean currently its a good idea. Idiots.

    Ps. Especially the parents wgo ride with there kids in the little death carts. You do not deserve to be parents.

    Sincerly, society

  18. As a resident of Sunset Hills and also a cyclist who rides throughout Sunset Hills early every Saturday and Sunday morning, it doesn’t surprise me that something like this happened. A few weeks ago, when I was headed northwest up Robyn, on my bike, another cyclist almost plowed into me as he ran the stop sign at West Watson and Robyn. He didn’t come close to stopping, didn’t impede his speed at all, as he wanted to have that speed to go through the turn and fly up the hill to his right. I have no idea who it was, but once he realized what he had done and saw me, his cadence dramatically increased as to put as much distance between him and me as possible in the shortest amount of time. His 3 or 4 glances back were interesting.

    But, on several occasions, I have had people, in cars, exiting various streets onto Rott Rd., Robyn, West Watson,etc., who thought they had every right to go ahead and pull out onto the cross street even though a cyclist was coming. This of course made me hit my brakes, etc. They definitely wouldn’t have done this with a car. I have also had cars simply turn in front of me as I was going opposite to them, but since I’m a cyclist, they saw no need to wait for me to pass them so they could make their turn. This also made me hit my brakes, get mad, etc.

    So, to summarize, people are idiots, both cyclists and drivers, and it really amazes me that anybody is surprised that something like this happened. I can’t believe it doesn’t happen more often.

    Did I say people are idiots?

  19. Two reasons drivers want to run down cyclists: 1, They’re often times not as far to the edge as they could be requiring the driver to slow down or possibly even swerve a little. 2, cyclists look like total douche bags with their logo laden skintight uniforms and weird alien helmets.
    Look like a normal DWI guy on his way to work and you’ll be fine

  20. The cyclist did not require medical attention, there was never an ambulance even called. From what I read, the cyclist rode is bike home.
    The cyclist said that Furrer was drunk? The restaurant that Furrer was attending does not even have a liquor license yet.
    The truck that was chasing Furrer down, crossed over two yellow lines and had to swerve when Furrer was turning around to go back to the cyclist. You cyclist should get all the facts and hear both side before making your comments.

  21. Thank You for sharing this. Randy is a close and personal friend of mine and a phenomenal cyclist and person. Anyone living in the St. Louis area can tell you, our roads sucks and drivers suck more. The fact that this is an elected public official makes this more interesting. Luckily Randy will recover and did not become another death victim is good. WE as a cycling collective need to get behind him and fight this, what ever it takes.

  22. The thing I am really, really confused about, is what was the mayor’s motivation for saying/doing this? I’m a bike rider. Not necessarily every day, but several times a week. I’ve seen incredibly ugly behavior from those in cars (flat out illegal, coming to a sudden stop right in front of me, not signaling a turn in front of me, etc.) but the honest truth, the worst behavior I see is from my fellow cyclists. I ride a cruiser most days, because my way to work is full of stop lights and stop signs, and I figure that if I can’t get there fast, I’ll get there comfortably. The amount of people I see whizzing on their bikes through stop signs and stop lights, slipping in between cars (illegal merge and illegal lane changes) and then getting *furiously* angry when someone honks at them is getting out of hand. I want to believe a fellow cyclist, but I find it unlikely that the mayor’s car wouldn’t have a scratch or something on it from bumping into a bike (peddles are hard metal, and sports cars scratch easily).

  23. “Right now, it’s my word against his,” Furrer said. “Is he a liar or am I a liar?”
    Said the politician, former banker and real estate agent.

  24. @BOB:
    “The cyclist did not require medical attention, there was never an ambulance even called.”
    False. Murdick was taken to St. Anthony’s Hospital where he was diagnosed with a torn Achilles tendon and severe contusions on his shins and tailbone.

    “From what I read, the cyclist rode is bike home.”
    False. One of the eyewitnesses at the scene gave Murdick a ride home.

    Maybe YOU should get all the facts before making a comment.

  25. SoCoGal
    So you are saying that a ambulance was called took him to the hospital, or did he get a ride home and then drive to the St. Anthony?

    You said that an eyewitness gave him a ride home with his damaged bike. If an ambulance was called, that would mean that the eyewitness had to go to St. Anthony, wait until he was checked out and then drove him home?
    Can you please explain what you mean?

  26. Mayor: “The cyclist started it.”

    Ooh, that gasping, lycra-clad, 140-pound guy on a fifteen-pound plastic vehicle must have been REAL SCARY. Why, it’s lucky Mr. Mayor wasn’t hurt as he wielded his 3000-pound, 300-horsepower vehicle as his only possible defense!!


    PS— I’ve driven all over this great nation, and in my experience, auto drivers around St. Louis are the biggest dicks in the country. I hated that town.

  27. How rude. I guess I will never read the end of this article. NO I do not need or want to take your lame fucking survey.

  28. “Right now, it’s my word against his,” Furrer said. “Is he a liar or am I a liar?”

    He’s a politician! I think the whole world knows the answer to that question.

  29. Didn’t the mayor leave the scene of an accident with bodily injury? Isn’t that a crime?

  30. And people wonder why there is vigilantism. This mayor needs his ass kicked.

  31. You have to see this road. There is no shoulder to pull over. The only place to turn around safely is I’m guessing 600 yards down the road. That is where Furrer did turn around to go back to check on the cyclist.
    As a residence of Sunset Hills, we should use this accident as an example of what can happen and work together to bring better bike safety to our city. Our mayor is the kind of mayor that will listen and do something about it if he can.

  32. One more reason why I prefer mountain biking. Despite what comes out of this shitstorm, it sheds light on the fact that there is a lot of unprovoked aggression toward cyclists for no other reason than they are on a bike. Anyone who rides a bike will tell you that it is a common occurance. I’m not talking about inattentive drivers who may or may not deliberately cut you off or turn in front of you; I’m talking about the ones who slow down to yell at you, pinch you off the road, throw stuff out their windows and the sucktooth inbred hillers who roll coal.
    It’ hard not to blow a fuse when it happens. More than once I’ve had the pleasure of catching them a the next traffic light and telling them to their face what fucktards they are. They sit there stuck in traffic with a stupid and scared look on their face without boo to say. It becomes clear that if they have anything that resembles balls, it’s typically haning off of their trailer hitch.
    Last point: There are both dickwad drivers and dickwad cyclists and they comprise the sub-one percent that think they own the road. The vast majority of drivers and cyclists are courteous and conscientious of one another. With the cyclist, it tends to be rude, arrogant, dickwad, entitlement behavior that targets nobody, but annoys everybody; while the aggressive dickwad driver is a hater and has a hardon against all cyclists.

  33. let’s not let this slip out of sight as this attitude that cyclist aren’t entitled to the same rights and protections as others is not a good thing

  34. Be a cryin’ shame if Hizzoner fell victim to an “accident”, wouldn’t it, boys and girls.

  35. Sorry but I am calling BS on this one. I know the the man making these claims pretty well and honestly, I don’t believe a word out of his mouth. He hasn’t ever been a person known for his honesty or values, and it’s sad to see him do this to some he may have had a verbal confrontation with. And FYI, he was holding onto the car according to some mutual friends he confided in. It’s easy to cry victim AFTER you think you have something to gain, and he is trying to cash in. When he called the police he said he was fine and Furrer was turning around already to return to the scene. This is nonsense. If anything for the first time ever I have sympathy for the driver. Road safety is a huge concern and needs to be addressed but I hate to see this turn on us and make us look ridiculous and the serious issues get over looked.

  36. “Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters.”

    Representative Thomas B. Foley (D, CT), former Speaker of the House

  37. Glad you have a lawyer. Also, if the fuckwit is not charged, make sure the media picks up on it. Sue his ass. Since there were witnesses, it will be really tough for the cops to bury this as long as you put their noses in it.

  38. “dick on July 31, 2014 at 6:24 am said:
    Dear cyclist,
    Speaking to only those who ride your bikes on the street. You all are stupid. Let me explain please. Society is full of stupid, drunk, and sick people. They own cars to. So instead of riding your bike on the sidewalk, where it is a small inconvience to you, you ride on the street. I find articles like this amazing. You are suprised this happend? I have no sympathy for you. I could care less if you get hit. Let it be a clear reminder to you the ideology hurts sometimes and just because you should be able to ride your bile on the street without getting hurt does not mean currently its a good idea. Idiots.

    Ps. Especially the parents wgo ride with there kids in the little death carts. You do not deserve to be parents.

    Sincerly, society”
    Wow the US had more than its share of half wits. Does this retard not realise that the sidewalk is for pedestrian not cyclists. He would realise it if he ever walked anywhere. You should look in the mirror you will find the definition of mentally retarded.

  39. For all of you that have already judged and convicted the Mayor…..remember that there are two sides to every story and the “victims” version of events seems to be changing as time passes. The content of the 911 calls indicate that the bike rider was not injured as claimed and the Mayor DID turn around at the first available spot to see if the rider had been injured. The Mayors vehicle has been inspected by the media and the Sunset Hills Police and the St Louis County police……no damage to the vehicle was found? The bruise on the riders leg is yellowed the day after the incident, It takes a bruise several days to start to yellow? The alleged story of alcohol involved…..the place where the Mayor ate lunch that day doesn’t even have their liquor license yet and the proprietor has already said that the Mayor was drinking diet coke? As a long time resident of Sunset Hills and being very familiar with where the incident took place, there is little if any shoulder for a rider and vehicle to “share” the road. All I am saying is there has been a lot of accusations by a lot of people who have no idea what really happened…….maybe your victim partially or fully at fault and is victimizing an innocent man? And by the way……should the biker be issued a ticket for running the stop sign that spurred all of this……..? Food for thought.

  40. BobRandy,
    1) Non life threatening injuries may not be apparent immediately after an accident.
    2) The cyclist declining ambulance transport to the hospital is not equivalent to absence of injury.
    3) Absence of bodily injury or embelished severity of the injury – which you are suggesting – and apparrently, qualified to assess – does not prove the mayor could not have been driving dangerously. Same with absence of vehicle damage.

    …three witnesses saying the driver swerved repeatedly at the cyclist however…

  41. Can we get a freaking update on this? The Sunset Hills mayor and chief of police would like to sweep this under the rug. Don’t let that happen!