The Winner and The Next Step

So I stopped the tally for the poster image after 69 comments. I thought that would be appropriate enough.

The winning poster design was NUMBER 8!!!!

Congrats, Number 8. You fought well.  Now, until the posters are printed up and for sale, here are two desktop wallpapers for your pleasure. I will put two up per month over the course of several months.

You’ll notice it’s $0.99 to download them; the reason is simple:

ALL PROFITS FROM THE DESKTOP CALENDAR WALLPAPERS WILL GO TOWARD CREATING A DRUNKCYCLIST.COM CALENDAR! Come on, you know you have a buck. Send some cash our way and we’ll get a sick calendar made.
Desktop Wallpaper #1 is cheeky.

Click on the image to go to the download page or click HERE.
Blondes have more Niners.

Click on the image to go to the download page, or click HERE.


Yes, just think: a calendar hanging in your garage/bike shop/porn dungeon all year round! Not a bad investment for $0.99 up front, right?

Now, since I want to make the calendar as badass as possible, I’d like to put y’all to work: I need models. Now, I can easily get models like the ones above, but as everyone knows, real cyclists would be much better. If you are a real cyclist, and if you are female, get in touch with me. If you are a cyclist and you are NOT a female, find a female cyclist, convince her it would be awesome to be in the calendar, and have that female cyclist contact me. We’ll get the ball rolling as soon as we have some funds to make this happen.

About D2

I am a writer and a photographer. I never killed a man in Reno, but I once rode a bike through a casino in Vegas. Bikes are cool, huevos rancheros are for breakfast, whiskey is for dinner. Denver, Colorado, USA

14 Replies to “The Winner and The Next Step”

  1. Is she in the circus? Seriously, I don’t understand why otherwise-pretty girls get themselves marked up like that.

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