Tour Divide Interview: Jake Kirkpatrick

With the Tour Divide slated to kick off tomorrow in Canada, here is the last DC interview with someone attemtping Tour Divide.  I give you Jake Kirkpatrick, a ginger for the ages, who will be riding a custom Black Sheep with a Gates Belt Drive.


DC: First and foremost, why would you want to do such a brutal ride?

Hardest race in the world?  Why not?  I want to know what I’m made of.


El Naturele, works everytime.

DC: Are you worried about saddle sores and are you taking any special precautions?

Yes!  Ds Nutts Chamois crème and lots of it…

DC: Are you bringing music and what would your number one playlist consist of?

Shit yeah.  Rage Against the Machine, Rise Against and Celine Dion in case I feel myself getting soft… she makes me angry.

DC: One reader wants to know if you have altered your diet to get your body ready for all of the gas station food you are going to encounter along the route?

I eat like shit already.  I’ve been following the gas station food diet for years.

DC: You normally race marathon XC and other single day endurance events, how has your training changed to prpare for this event?

I’ve added long epics of 4 to 5 hours on my loaded tour bike including heading up Magnolia (17%grade) out to Ned and then hitting all the West Mag trails back to town… in the rain.

DC: A reader wants to know that if you were in a pinch would you drink your own piss like that Bear guy from TV?

No piss for me, I plan to keep myself out of that situation.

DC: From what I understand, you and Dejay are going to try and ride the race together. As cute as that sounds don’t you think you will eventually settle into your own pace and eventaully seperate? (or are you and Dejay going to ride together…)

We will try to ride together as long as it makes sense, or until his shit/fart separator blows up.

DC: How do you feel your chances are for completing the ride and what are your goals?

Chances of finishing are good because I’m a stubborn SOB (just ask my girlfriend).  The goal?

Finish, ride 150 miles a day, live, and not get lost…

DC: Any last thoughts or thank you’s?

We are on the road now toward Canada, the weather is crazy, lots of rain and snow.  It will be an epic one for sure.  No records will be broken this year, maybe just my spirit.  Its been four long months of planning and training, all of which would not have been possible without the support of my family and friends and the generosity of my sponsors.  You guys rock.

DC will be doing our best to provide updates regarding the progress of the 4 racers we interviewed prior to the start of Tour Divide.  Push Pedal Crank will also be chronicling the journey.  If you want an instant map to see where folks are on the route, here is a link to the Tour Divide Leaderboard, which usies Spot tracking system.

Jake and Ugly

Jake and Dejay on the trip to Canada, eating “gas station” food to get their stomachs used to it.  Best of luck to these two as well as all the others who are attempting this feat of madness.

About 40 Hands

A fan of riding bikes with one gear, malt liquor, riding without knowing how many miles I’ve covered, and strip clubs that let you bring your own keg. I typically have a stupid grin on my face, it is because deep down I know that no matter what, my mom thinks I’m cool. Denver, Colorado, USA

3 Replies to “Tour Divide Interview: Jake Kirkpatrick”

  1. Our newbie from Big Shark in St. Lous has thown his hat into the ring! The race director called him the southward bound rookie…kill the ride Luke, we are with you in the Lou!

  2. Wow, Big Shark has certainly blown-up. I remember when it was just Mike and Carl on the Loop back in the early 90’s. good on ya.