I just said fuck it and booked a flight to PHX.

This will be my view on January 30th.


I get in at 8am on Sunday Jan 30th for 3 days of riding bikes in the desert. Dirrrty Biker is picking me up at the airport and I am staying in Tempe with him. I am in need of some sun. All who want to join in the fun, mark your calendars.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Let’s ride.

About Judi

Bicycles are my salvation. They are my way of life. If you don't like it, then you can go straight to hell. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

9 Replies to “I just said fuck it and booked a flight to PHX.”

  1. Arizona singletrack has to be better than what I’m stuck with. Calling for freezing rain in the morning. Whaddya wanna bet I ride anyway?

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  3. D2 – i know we’re going to head north to see gnomer in flag. it would be cool to see your shop and shit. make plans with DB. i am down for anything. i just wanna ride bikes in the sun.