The helmet. The sunglasses. The gloves. The bare knees. The shoe covers. The line. All class.
Dude was a baller.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
The helmet. The sunglasses. The gloves. The bare knees. The shoe covers. The line. All class.
Dude was a baller.
The hair. The oh so glorious hair.
Shoot, man…mud don’t even stick to his shoe covers.
Reminds me of a quote from The Holy Grail: “He must be the King”
–“How can you tell”?
–“He hasn’t got shit all over him”
Sheee-it! I forgot all about this dude! This looks to be him on his way to the podium in the ’88 Ronde.
how did he not become the hipster god?
@ dirty:
Too many gears…
He was twenty years too early. If he was kick’n it with a Pedro the Lion t-shirt and a mustache, he’d own all hipsters.
Oh yeah – between him and Cipo, in the 90s, if you were a wanna-be, you had a pair of Brikos. Then it was Rudy Project. After large lettering became uncool.
hey LJ, did you get those t-shirts that both 40 hands and i sent you, what, 2 months ago now?
Hey Phil
Its not your fault, its the era!
Your mature look of the noughties is much cooler!
Jess D x