Big wheels keep on turning

I’m supposed to be studying. I’ve got work to do. I’m dying inside. I’m looking at bicycles on the interwebs.





That monster cross shit is the bomb. Man, that looks like fun.

Big tires abound, it would seem. Kinda says a bit about what I’d rather be doing about now, doesn’t it?

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

6 Replies to “Big wheels keep on turning”

  1. …i’d give my right ‘little lance-ster’ if my body felt healthy enough to actually go out n’ ride for a few hours…still hobblin’ about w/ a cane though…

    …joe murray’s headed off to argentina soon it seems…my bud ‘italian john’ here in the county got the invite & is gettin’ some ‘south american standard’ wheels built up for the venture…a mostly ‘all marin’ setup…marin bike, wtb gear n’ tires…
    …john’s a serious all rounder, road, cx n’ mtb & a cool fuckin’ guy…

    …rock on, gianni…you’ll get back to it…

  2. is doz stud tars on that last one? I gotta try that at the Pass this winter. Hutchinsons on sexy disc-specific 700C wheels? What’s the rear dropout spacing, 130 or 135mm? Damn.

  3. Wow, coincidence as last night I just bought the FATTEST tires for 700c wheels I’ve ever ventured to own. (700×45) I’m going to make my bike MONSTER CROSS very soon. Hell yes.

  4. I recently procured a free set of WTB Terrainasaurus 700x40s but they don’t clear the chain stays. Damn. I can run ’em on the front though, should last until about 2025. Who needs a squishy fork??

  5. good things come from 45s. fire crotches are the shit. jealous of those with the clearance.

  6. The tire on the right in the top photo is an IRC Mythos Slick 42c, so technically a monstercross tire. (The Cross Check it’s on will clear at least a 45c.) Still, it doesn’t float quite like the red bike.