Interbike Report Day 1

Day one of the Interbike clown show is in the books. I type this from a seedy Megabucks coffee shop on the edge of the wrong side of town as I try to caffeinate in order to keep this night going. It has already been a very complete day of riding bikes, drinking beer, and causing trouble in the sunshine.

Today was the Dirt Demo and it proved to be very productive.  We rolled into Boulder City around noon, it was blazing hot outside and we were still feeling the effects of the previous night. Before I even have a chance to grab a bike the Reverened Dick sends out the page that he is chillin’ in a certain booth that had both shade and an ice cold keg of beer. I was off to a good start. That is, until I got there and I was presented with this:


I guess it was going to be that kind of party. I finally got a bike and selfishly kept it for the rest of the afternoon. It was a 2011 Salsa Fargo and it pretty much rocked my world. Here is a picture of it in it’s natural environment:


Judi found a friend:


The Rev went for a little stroll on the new Surly cargo trailer. This thing can supposedly carry up to 300 lbs, is really overbuilt, and tough as nails :


Finally we decided to ditch the show to go take a swim in the river and discovered  this bat signal in the town of  Searchlight.


Honestly,  that is all I can remember right now, I will do it all again tomorrow. But first, I think a special place is calling my name.

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

13 Replies to “Interbike Report Day 1”

  1. admittedly, i rarely click on the embedded links in these blog posts…sheer laziness for the most part. so please explain to me why, oh why, did i tonight? i knew it was trouble before the page loaded. day one? pace yourself dirty.

  2. we had a fun fun day. interbike is fucking rad. dirty forgot the part about getting kicked off the rubber tire island by lake mead cops. have fun dirty. more fun times tomorrow.

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  4. I’m getting read to head out to Dirt Demo right now… Going to sample many a demo bike on the dusty Bootleg trails.

  5. kg – we are headed over there now too. so many bikes to choose from, it’s fucking insane. the interbike dirt demo might be one of the funnest things ive EVER done in my life, for real. yesterday i rode a salso fargo, a full suspension marin (my 1st time riding anything w/ that much bounce), a niner w/ 2×10 (sram mechanics were mean), a jeff jones rigid fatty, and a surly ss 9’er. dominic bounced around on a pugsly most of the day. the surly guys were SOOO nice. thats where i am headed today. hope to see you there!

  6. Is it wrong that I find the pic of Judi and the mannikin……..well…..arousing? I feel as though I should seek help.

  7. i’d expect nothing less than surly to be the finest representatives of two-wheeled good timery this side of hell’s bikini team. keep your head out of the sand, my friends. it’s party time, and that means it is time for a party. get digging.