After all that, a mandatory appointment w/ Sgt. Beer

FINALS – OVER!  Today!  My last out-processing appointment with Sgt. Beer has NOT been canceled or postponed.  ORDERS:  Go directly at Beer:30 to appointment.

wine 002

I’m posting mainly to tell you about an incredible wine that I’ve discovered – for $8.99 at Mt. Vernon Coop – look for it at YOUR wine merchant.  Buy as many bottles as you can.  It’s amazing.  So perfectly balanced, and complex, with hints of very ripe black cherry and cocoa.  It is one out of a hundred for wines at less than $10 a bottle, I find it under-priced and bought all the bottles on the shelf.  I’m going to talk to the wine stocker and find out what’s stored in back – it’s THAT GOOD.  From spain, 100% Monastrel.  I’m going to soon try M3, which was there in place of all the M1 bottles I and others bought.

About littlejar

5 - Learned to ride in paved alley behind liquor store in Lowell. 16 - Road bike riding alone while peers do soccer practice. 18 - First new road bike bought with winnings from Project Graduation. 20 - Burlington VT. Nuff said. 22 - Joined the Air Force. 23 - Joined team Fair Wheel in Tucson - rode the Shootout. 24 - Rode El Tour in under five. 26 - Toured to Quebec City 28 - Toured Oklahoma to Vermont 30 - Found my dream bike - a 1989 58cm LaBan (#22) 32 - Experienced Minneapolis and saw BIKE CULTURE. 34 - Building my first bicycle frame, with a self made jig. USA

7 Replies to “After all that, a mandatory appointment w/ Sgt. Beer”

  1. comin’ in hot little jar – settle down. you’re totally going to creep out said wine if you continue to jerk it off via the above post. i worry about what you might have said or done to ‘wine stocker’ in hopes of getting your hands on what is ‘stored in back’. i came here to make fun of Judi and instead i’ve got to worry about you getting your donger stuck in one of helpless, empty wine bottles….

  2. Congratulations as fuck, Mr. Jar. it is not often one’s slapped smitten in the middle of the store. that super market love accompanied by the sweet sound of instrumental hits of a contemporary nature, the humming reek of floor wax, and her, that wine.

    back off, pecker hungsburger. it would serve the community well for you to fall as fast in love.

  3. It’s not love. It’s just fucking wine. And try it before you hurl bullshit.
    I stand by what I said: (The black cherry, it’s not cliche this time) It’s that good.

  4. ‘Note-ems’:

    M3 – yellow label – different estate, nice but not so fucking amazing as M1.