Happy Vday to me! She’s done! Dominic worked on it all day. This picture just does not do it any justice. It’s way more beautiful in person. You still can’t see all the candy colors. I promised the Colonial I’d post a picture outside but we have like 2 feet of snow out there and it was hard to take a good picture.
Dominic airbrushed it with candy purple, pink and red. In the sun, it’ll flash all those colors. A few dents in the frame got covered up with stickers. I love stickers on my bikes anyways. (hey Gnome, you were supposed to send me DC schwag a long time ago. I need some DC stickers!).
I’m NOT using that saddle though. I just ordered this one cuz I only ride female specific saddles.
So that brings us up to about $150 bucks spent total, including paint. And I still need an official bike fit but Dominic can do that.
Yawn all you want bitches. I’m not going anywhere unless BJ or Gnome tells me to get lost.
If you’re gonna run single chainring up front, you might consider finding a clapped out front derailleur and setting it up as a chain guide. You’ll drop the chain less.
Have fun!
@el jefe – i have a this: http://www.paulcomp.com/chainkeeper.html on my cx bike that’s going on this mtb. dominic is breaking down my cx bike next week. THANKS!
This makes me happy. =]
like it.
nICE dICE! I thought I was the only one runnin the high rollers!
Nice rig Judi. I’m looking forward to some shots that show of Dominic’s paint work.
If your trails are rocky like ours, try running a big bag DH tyre with 20 psi in it to give you a bit of cushioning. Makes it track better in rough terrain too.
Nice ride…def. needs a DC sticker. I just put mine on three of my bikes last weekend…including one on the Spinergy crabon spoke on my oldest old-school singlespeed. Looks tits.
the title says it all. Perfectly caputures the childlike excitement of the new bits, the anticipation of how it will roll out the first time, dialing in the shifts (for the non-luddite crowd) and finding the limits of the new geometry of a fresh ride.
..fuckin hell, I’ve really, really gotta get some of that fresh ride feeling. Signore Casati, I’ve booked my flight so get ready with the tape measure..
That there is a proper nice ride. I’d say all you need now is perhaps a set of fenders. Makes me want to go down in the hole and roll up a few of the frames I have just laying around. Nice werk.
@gnome – THANKS! i am psyched to get out and beat around on it. but fenders on a MTB? i want chrome fenders on my fixie. but MTB? how was your race?
Fuck yea fenders.
The race wasn’t a race but for the others. I got too many other priorities keeping me from that kind of focus. Fuckus!