Enough noise

Sounds like fireworks and noise out there, soon to fizzle away. And here we have 2010. A numeric beginning. Two years ago, I was a few rungs south in the latitude, and building up more bikes more often. Ahhh… I had a nice bar stool at my work table and a Park TS2, and the sun shined every day. Ten years ago, I was there too. At a contra dance at The Temple of Music and Art downtown, just north of Armory Park, Tucson. One year ago, I was in Portland, at a party… with people!  Tonight, I’m just a guy, alone, in front of my computer typing. I want to make a Cohen style joke of how “I build bicycle for woman” but I’ll give the credit to whoever made this Victor – the only 49cm frame I ever spent purple scrubbie and rattle can time with.Sen_shop_Victor (1)

About littlejar

5 - Learned to ride in paved alley behind liquor store in Lowell. 16 - Road bike riding alone while peers do soccer practice. 18 - First new road bike bought with winnings from Project Graduation. 20 - Burlington VT. Nuff said. 22 - Joined the Air Force. 23 - Joined team Fair Wheel in Tucson - rode the Shootout. 24 - Rode El Tour in under five. 26 - Toured to Quebec City 28 - Toured Oklahoma to Vermont 30 - Found my dream bike - a 1989 58cm LaBan (#22) 32 - Experienced Minneapolis and saw BIKE CULTURE. 34 - Building my first bicycle frame, with a self made jig. USA

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