Cochise 2009

The famed Cochise County Cycling Classic is in the books. If you’ve not heard of this one, check out the fancy route map. Yeah, looks easy, huh? Two hundred and fifty two miles of easy cruising, right?

I shouldn’t say it’s “in the books” quite yet, as twenty hour finishing times are not uncommon in this event. (see 2008 results.) Many participants have not yet finished, one being our dear Big M. She’s going the full monte this year, folks, that’s right, the two-five-two. I can’t wait to hear her tell me how much that headwind on I-10 sucked this year! Jackass Justin is driving her support vehicle and has been either a) out of cell phone range for the last few hours, or b) ignoring my calls and texts. The former is entirely possible while the latter is highly probable. Pick one, go with it, you’re most likely correct.

Here’s what I’ve got so far: My man Dan “Mountain Goat” McGehee (Ride Clean) took the top spot after shedding his companion, another friend of drunkcyclist, Tommy Bawden, somewhere along that storied stretch of god forsaken Interstate 10 and the accompanying joyous headwind. Then, as sometimes happens when your karma points are lined up properly, it changed from headwind to mostly tailwind along 80 back into Douglas. Dan-0 broke out the TT bike and proceeded to open up a number ten can of whoop ass. He was averaging something along the lines of 27mph, according to Bacardi Marti’s unquestionably accurate reading of the follow car’s speed-o-meter. McGehee finished @ 12:27:28.

As far as I know, Bawden is in second position out on the road and in no danger of losing that spot. History has a strange way of repeating itself at Cochise: Bawden got a fine second place back in 2006 to McGehee.

Dan McGehee has now won the event 9 times (!), this one being the 6th in a row. He also holds the record for the fastest time in the 252 @ 10:26, set back in 1996. I may have been there for that one, crewing for Dan, trying to stay awake all night by drinking liters of soda in “Iron” Schott’s VW van, a vehicle with a really powerful engine but without heat or air conditioning. I always like it when Dan wins, especially when he doesn’t pee on my leg in the process. (yeah, that has actually happened.)

I wonder where Big M is right now?

Update: I have just received word that our dear Big M is 10 miles outside of Douglas. She’s at about 17 hours into it, and should finish just under 18. I’ll let you know when I do.

Update 2: Big M was the second finisher in the woman’s category, some 8 minutes back from the first place woman. That put her at 6th or 7th overall out of 37 starters for the 252 (I have not verified the start list – it isn’t posted). In her own words; “The wind was HORRIBLE for a full 100 miles on I-10.” Congratulations on your first time out, Big M. You did well.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

3 Replies to “Cochise 2009”

  1. Shit hell BDJ. I sit here, behind a crumbly clangy stack of little aluminum accomplishments: rewards n such.. Noone has word about the big M. Not even Bacardi. He is apparently galavanting around the Chiricahuas. It’s hot as hell here. I wouldn’t want to be out there today. for 252 miles. No way. No fucking way.

  2. Props to Dan, M and the rest of the warriors in the 252. We’ve got a great cycling culture here in the desert… Some of the toughest bastards in the whole wide world. Makes my little three hour run today look like child’s play.

  3. Yes, you were there in 1996 Big J-bomb. It took another 2 years for us to get well acquainted enough for the mini-golden shower. Thanks for the love