Fire now lit under Evan’s ass

I hope the kid puts people in the hurt locker next year. I believe he is more than capable of doing so. I hope he believes it too.

Recently crowned world champion Cadel Evans promises to honor the rainbow jersey with aggressive racing for the remainder of the 2009 season.

. . . Reflecting on his victory Sunday in Mendrisio, Evans told journalists he “thought about all the bad luck” that had sometimes marked his career when he was closing in on victory in the final kilometers.

“I was overwhelmed with emotion,” he said. “I thought there was some sort of jinx, now I cannot express my joy.”

Good bye jinx, hello pain cave.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

14 Replies to “Fire now lit under Evan’s ass”

  1. Let’s hope that he’s not aware that there is actually a jinx associated with the World Champs jersey. That may be more bad mojo than Wheelsucker Evans can stand.

  2. “Hurt locker”. LMFnutsackO. Like I need anybody’s help finding pain when I’m on the bike.

  3. …hmmm…smacks of a serious defense there, dave…’member senator craig…yep, that’s right…he was “happily” married too, as i recall…

    …btw, has anyone ever suggested the serious underpinnings of the homo erotic nature of cycling w/ other sweaty lycra clad men, dave ???…& the post ride get together & morality lowering indulgence of intoxicating beverages ???…not, of course that there’s anything wrong w/ that…at least in the short term, as far as we know…but there’s always the chance of a first time…

    …doesn’t happen to all married guys dave but hey, be careful, just the same…’cuz, well, looks like yer kinda concerned & we want you to keep yer virtue intact…

    …just sayin’…

    …ohhh & dave ???…when it’s time for your retort, please…be creative…the standard “well, bgw, sounds like you know all about it” really isn’t gonna hold much water…it’s been done ta death, ‘specially in this crowd…

  4. bgw, I can’t really speak to any of that. I pretty much ride alone. Drink alone too. Well not really alone; the Mrs. is with me but she’s a teatotaler. And speaking of creativity, you really need to do better than to throw up some homphobic rant. Talk aboot done to death, eh…

  5. …dave, baby…

    …this is why you have so many problems trying to deal w/ other things like politics…you’ve never really learned to distinguish or understand what is actually being referred to…

    …in this case, there is nothing remotely “homophobic” about my “rant” which, btw is definitely more of a spiel…& we’ve been through this before…i not denigrating gays dave, i’m denigrating you…i’ve got a few gay friends & if they knew the tripe i was throwing your way, they simply laugh & admonish me for my “bad” humor & nothing else…

    …& c’mon…you sayin’ you don’t deserve it now n’ again ???…dude, please !!!…