

There is this something that has been knocking around in my head these last few weeks. It’s a question, really, of dissent. Or, better said, it is a series of questions regarding dissent. What is dissent? And, are we lacking in it? How much is enough? Is there such a thing at too much?

Is it the belief that Barack Obama is the Great Satan? That his coming is the end of us all, of all we know and all we’ve ever stood for? Is that dissent?

No, that would be crazy talk. See image to the left for some of that action.

If not Satan, well, how about Socialist? If the shoe, fits, right? The Devil or the Joker. Or, both. Go for it. Is labeling Obama as the Joker dissent because the Joker is, after all, a comic book villain? Is President Obama a comic book president?


How about Obama with a crown of thorns, drinking champagne with a unicorn, and a couple of angles flying around overhead? Where some see a hallmark card in the making, I see a full back piece that promises to be more regrettable than any tramp stamp on the planet.

I find the concept of evil in both Satan and the Joker to be equal. And, the presentation of their character in the great play of life as equally fictitious. Good v. Evil. Up as compared to down. Left as the opposite of Right. Darkness as the absence of Light. Batman’s arch nemesis.

There is, after all, no Joker. He exist only in the printed pages comic books and, what would have once been mere celluloid film stock, but is now a series zeros and ones in our digital age. The Satan and The Joker. They are, truly, an embodiment of that requisite opposite to the Great Hero. For you cannot have the Good Story without the Bad Guy. What else would mankind triumph against, if not for evil incarnate? For our cause to be right and just, it follows that Obama’s must be something else entirely. His must be unjust. His must be wrong.

And, yes, Satan acts in opposition to God’s great design. I can say that as an Atheist because, although I may not believe in the existence of a Supreme Being (or his or her requisite personality), I can see the need for both yin and yang for the story to work in balance. He is the fallen angel who forever angles to prove his point – man is fallible. And, he is right in that regard. Man is, most certainly, fallible.

Back to art; does it imitate life? Or does life imitate art? What if life is art? Does it follow that art is therefore life? Oh, the wonders of a Sunday morning free of the encumbrances of case briefing.

And just whom do I think I’m kidding – I’ve got miles to go before I sleep. My casebook weighs a ton. The river keeps flowing. Well, you get the idea.


I read an article a while back, and it is basically where this trainwreck of a thought process got started out the station. It is The Artist Formerly Known as Dissident, and it was in the link dump at some point. I remember first coming across it back when the Barak as the Joker concept was making a splash.

Personally, I think it’s great. Baroker. Jarack. Social-cali-fragilistic-expi-alido-cious and then some. We need more of the same. Stir the pot. Knock ’em around. Vote. Participate. Talk about it. Yell about it. Yell it from the roof tops.

Even if your “yelling” is really nothing more than the gentle hiss of an aerosol can. just do something. Apathy is death.

Dissent is a requirement in our system if representational democracy. I shall refrain from missattributing a quote to Thomas Jefferson here, I think it was actually Howard Zinn. No matter, point is well made regardless of whom it originated from; “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”

From the article:

[I]it feels to me, as it did during the campaign, that the art community is not meeting its duty of always questioning those in power. And I say duty because the art community, as a counterpart of the press, has been given special rights written into the Bill of Rights, known broadly as freedom of the press, for the explicit purpose of keeping power in check. Id.

What is an “artist”? Are we artists? We, in this instance, being the sorted lot that posts our drivel here on Drunkcyclist. We do create something, do we not? What do we owe in the way of dissent?

I’ve been challenged as “taking it easy” on old Barry O. Bama. Well, that may be true to a point. I must say, aside from the whole “Satan” thing, he ain’t nothing like Bush/Cheney on any measure of evil. I don’t care what metric you apply. But, neither is he perfect. No, no, I won’t be calling him the Black Jesus on these pages. (Well, maybe in jest. It’s just too funny. Born in a Kenyan manger? He can walk on water? I’m dying over here! I digress… again)

I’ll leave such admiration to others, however misguided it may be. Back to the article:

It’s time for the art community to return to its historical role in political affairs, which means speaking to power, not on behalf of it. Which leads me to the second case where art enters politics on a mass scale. The power of art, in combination with the suppression of free speech or a free press, has been used as a tool by authoritarian governments to control their citizens. From Hitler, Stalin, and Mao to Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il, art has been used to deify leaders while preserving the position of the ruling class. Most artists would not want to be referred to as tools of the state, but in the case of Obama’s administration, that’s exactly what they’ve been so far. Id.

I’m not sure we are anywhere near the “art community.” It may be, well, completely presumptuous for me to even go there. And go there I have done. Yes, Snake Hawk does paint and have gallery shows. Yes, Gnome does have that degree in graphic design, and his designs have been paid for, printed and sold many times over. Yes, I write a lot. And, I have had my crap published. We’re about as close to it now as we’re ever going to get it seems.

Whatever we are, we have a voice. And, we intend to use it. We have always intended to use it.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

72 Replies to “Dissent”

  1. Hey Mikey @ 47….don’t ya mean STY? Or are you really that offended with my admittedly inane remark from earlier? ;)

  2. SFB, I’m pretty sure he meant STY…

    STY, I’m still on a bit of school and self imposed break from things political here, but you’re doing some of that new math. I don’t know how they add things up in Sweden, but you’re making some false assumptions. You’re assuming Bjorn spends all his money on taxable goods and not on housing and food. Is it still high? Probably. Is it truly another 25% on every kronor? No.
    As for pay, in the US, we do pay lower income tax rates. Assuming you’re right about the 35% in Sweden (Is that income tax alone, or does that include health insurance, and their equivalent of workers comp. and social security?), in the US it’s about 15-25% for most people, and up to 35% for over about $200K/yr (I don’t have the exact numbers in front of me). As to what that bike shop employee actually costs the shop, it’s about a 40-50% “tax”. So pay BJ or myself $10/hr as a mechanic and it actually costs the business $14-15/hr. That includes legally mandated stuff like SSI, Worker’s Comp, Unemployment Ins. and market required stuff like leave and health insurance (if we’re lucky). Applying your calculations here: Pay BJ $100. (We’ll assume that he is at the lower end of the tax bracket…) 15% in income tax he’ll take home $85 (not counting his portion of social security (7%) and health insurance, which is probably another 8%), plus 40% on the employer end, and you’ve got that costing $140. By your math that’s approximately 40% in total “taxes” either paid by the employee or employer. That’s real close to 43%. Again, there’s lots of missing information out of your calculations, but if I’ve mis-applied your math, I’m sure you’ll let me know…

    If UPS or FedEx delivered mail instead of just parcels, it wouldn’t cost just $0.44 cents to mail a letter…. just saying.

    “In America, crazy is a pre-existing condition” – Rick Perlstein

  3. “Hey Mikey @ 47….don’t ya mean STY?”

    SFB— sincere apologies. You’re absolutely right, I meant STY. Man, that’s sloppy work on my part.

  4. And just to be clear, STY sounds too intelligent to actually believe what he writes. This leads inevitably to the question, why? The uncomfortable inference that must be made is that he has a completely separate agenda, most likely based on his own personal monetary gain, and is willfully propagating ignorance. Unsportsmanlike, to say the least.

  5. Crazy can be addressed. Apathy in the face of encroaching government is inexcusable.

    Notwithstanding the confiscatory tax system, Sweden absolutely rocks. Gothenberg and Stockholm especially.

    El Jefe,

    When I was in Sweden in the 80’s, the highest nominal tax bracket was 90%. An acquaintance was a psychologist who complained about the 90% rate. I haven’t tracked income tax changes in Sweden since then, and after I posted my bit, decided to do a quick fact check just in case. As a quick and dirty reference, I checked wikipedia, which was the source of the withholding, employer social fee, and VAT percentages.

    If my math is off a percentage point or two, WTF. What is rock solid is the 48.3% on wages, withholding and employer contribution, and 25% VAT on everything but food and a couple of other minor exceptions. You would be ok with that heavy tax burden in the U.S.?

    Your math is wrong. Assuming you land a cushy job teaching French Lit at a community college, you’ll take home about $50k. Your effective federal tax rate on that would be about 10%, state about 5%, FICA 6.9%. You and the scholl would probably pay a total of $600 per month for insurance, which is about 1.5%. I don’t remember if Texas has sales tax, but assuming you teach at Salt Lake Community College, you’d pay 7% sales tax on everything. So, all in, approximately 23.4% for taxes and medical care (excluding employer FICA 6.9%). Include employer fica and your at 30.3% cf Swedish 73%.

    I don’t give a shit whether Sweden has a graduated tax bracket. In my myopic world, I would pay taxes in the highest bracket, so that was my point of reference. Bjorn bike wrench might pay less and certainly would be entitled to more social benefits. Nevertheless, I’d rather keep my own jack and decide how to spend it rather than turn over all of it to government and wait for some to be returned in the form of government services a la DMV.

    On another note, PBO promised to pay for national socialized healthcare from savings in Medicare and Medicaid plus greater efficiencies. I read today about incredible stupidity and waste at the Federal Energy Department. “The Energy Department wastes millions of dollars a year by failing to use thermostats that automatically dial back the temperature when nobody is around, according to an inspecto general’s audit of 55 buildings at four department sites. The report said the department could save more than $11.5 million a year with setback controls that adjust the heating and air conditioning at night and on weekends. The New York Times reported noted that such thermostats are already installed inmost locations but aren’t being used. Cathy Zoi, an assistant energy secretary, said that if the report could motivate officials to start using the thermostats, “then it’s fantastic.”

    If your retort is that such waste is a hangover from the Bush era, then you prove my point: government is inherently, terminally wasteful.

    Put complacent federal dumbshits in charge of medical care. What could possibly go wrong?

    El Jefe, the point re USPS is that not even USPS cannot deliver mail for $0.44 per letter! It costs a hell of a lot more than that! Instead of fixing the problem by stopping the fiscal bleeding, USPS continues to lose billions. AMTRAK loses billions. Private railroads are profitable, and thus pay income taxes that fund AMTRAK losses. That is insanity!

    You can be sure that some greedy bastard is going to wring every wasteful dollar out of private health care. What incentive exists for a government drone to do the same?

    That GOP politician speaking into the hotmike — is an amoral dumbass. Makes me long for the headline days about D.C. mayor coke smurf Marion Barry. Oh wait, we only have to look back to July 2009: On July 4, 2009, Barry was taken into custody by the Park Police after political consultant Donna Watts-Brighthaupt, his ex-girlfriend, claimed he was stalking her.[52] Barry was arrested and charged with “misdemeanor stalking”.” Charges were dismissed.

    Ahh, Democratic Presidential contender (pretender) Senator John Edwards — there’s a paragon of virtue for you. Illicit affair, pregnancy, pay a staffer to claim the child was the staffer’s, dump cancer stricken wife. Is that “it takes a village to raise a child” in action? Pres Clinton and Dick Morris receiving blowjobs from their whores while they converse on the phone…moral or not?

    Is it only wrong when a GOP does it?

    No wonder you libs are in favor of abortion — what would you do without it? Watch out for the mob of angry baby mama’s!

    That said, I must say, after reading Freakonomics, I, too, am in favor of abortion. Legalization of abortion caused crime to drop nationwide, which is a good thing. I always suspected that Rudy Guiliani was full of shit for claiming credit for the drop in crime in the 90’s. Instead, babies that would have grown up to be criminals were aborted instead! Rather than kill eachother on the streets, mom and the doc did that for them before hand! So, hat tip to you libs for that successful public safety campaign known as Roe v Wade!

    And on a final note, why is PBO campaigning for national-socialized health care when he already has the votes??? What was the point of going on TV last night to complain about Rush, Beck, and Palin, other than to just whine on national tv?

  6. My info is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ecec.nr0.htm

    Tax brackets were from MoneyChimp: http://www.moneychimp.com/features/tax_brackets.htm. 15% is a bit high. For $30K the effective tax rate is about 13.8%. At $50K it’s 17.4%. (Assuming no deductions)

    I’ll be the first to admit that I’m lucky. I own a home, and I’m in school, so my current effective rates are much lower (I’m also on a fellowship which pays an actual living wage, so I can afford insurance). Texas has no state income tax, but we pay between 6.25% (the state base rate, which I’ve never seen) and 8.25% sales tax (the only rate I’ve ever experienced, and it’s on labor too…), and property taxes are high (I believe we are 2nd, 12th, or 15th in the country depending on how you rank it. Up there with CA and the land of Yankees…)

    If the Republicans had once in the past 30… no 40… no 50 years come up an idea for improving social programs that wasn’t based on screwing the poor, I might listen to them. How does it hurt me that someone less fortunate than me has a safety net? I won’t get AS FAR ahead based on my education and skin color? I work my ass off and I deserve everything I get, but I am not going to deny that I have half a leg up on a large part of the population and I believe we have a responsibility as a society to provide basic care to everyone. Not gold dust enemas. Basic care. Republicans have been against Medicare, minimum wage, environmental protection, industrial safety regulations, etc… Now they are against reforming our health care insurance system, so that almost everyone has a chance for decent health care. Something that will reduce societal costs in the long run, and that is actually good for the economy. Jesus titty fucking Christ. They’re not retarded they’re “minimally exceptional”…

    I’ll say it again for the deaf: Obama is not the second coming. He’s got too many banking industry economists around him. His fascination with bipartisanship allows the nutjobs on the right to bleat away and act like they are worth hearing. But, it is offensive how the whole “my country, right or wrong” crowd are suddenly worried about things like the economy and the national debt. Well, no they’re scared the president is a… negro. Wait, that’s not the word they use in private…

    Edwards lost me when he had the affair and still ran for president. He knew it would come out. Fuck him.

    Barry? Well, he’s a fuck up. You won’t get any argument from me. As Rick James said, “Cocaine, it’s a powerful drug…”

    The GOPers? Well, if they weren’t the ones championing “good Christian family values”, I wouldn’t care so much about the affairs. It’s not the affair, so much as the lying and the hypocrisy. Combine it with Republican buffoonery, and yeah it’s worth deriding.

    Fuck, I’m getting sucked in again… Laters…

  7. “In my myopic world, I would pay taxes in the highest bracket, so that was my point of reference.

    Bjorn bike wrench might pay less and certainly would be entitled to more social benefits.

    Instead, babies that would have grown up to be criminals were aborted instead! Rather than kill eachother on the streets, mom and the doc did that for them before hand!”

    STY— wrong again for several dozen reasons,but let’s hit the highlights:

    1) your personal financial gain drives your entire world view? What a surprise.

    2) The rich receive the greatest benefit from government, not the poor, which is why the rich properly pay more taxes. This is commonly and correctly referred to as “progressive” taxation.

    3) It’s not a criminal, it’s a fetus.

    You’re a lying sack of shit. Keep the rubber sides down, dude.


  8. Mikey the douchenozzle:

    FYI, I was not born with any sort of silver spoon. Paid for school working nights and and weekends and student loans. I paid full tuition while a half-hispanic, wealthier friend had a full ride through the same accounting school and same law school. Her grades sucked. Mine excelled.

    Providing for my wife and kids drives my world view. I coach little league football. I take the daughters to piano. I am on the brink of establishing the businesses so that my kids will have a choice whether to work nights while they accomplish college and grad school. I bust it 60-70 hours a week. My sixteen year old is visiting campuses and taking practice SAT’s so he can be admitted to an out of state school. He’s busting it because he wants to do it on his own without asking me for help.

    My second daughter came down with meningitis at 10 months of age. No insurance. I paid the freight, which at the time was a financial back breaker. What was up? One of my clients took up 90% of my practice. Then the guy filed a strategic chapter 11. He screwed the pooch and the end result was that I lost a year’s worth of full time legal billings.

    And it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Because of that, I landed a job in a legal area that had nothing to do with my experience. Now I have my own businesses from what I learned on that job.

    You can kiss my ass. I don’t walk on water and am certainly not the smartest (nevertheless, still smarter than you). However, what intelligence I have is put to productive, profitable use. Not scheming to see how I can live off welfare.

    Rich benefit more than the poor. Bullshit. You have no empirical evidence for that empty liberal justification for taking resources from someone else to spend on liberal, morally-bankrupt and corrupt programs. You libs want to stick a dick up some guy’s hairy asshole, go ahead, but don’t take my money so you can afford to preach the virtues of analingus, Hep C and AIDS to elementary school kids.

    I obey the same laws and enjoy the same protection as anyone homeless person in the U S of A. You have no empirical evidence that I enjoy greater benefit from government than the poor. To the contrary: I carry a greater burden than the poor who are recipients of government largesse procured from me through a corrupt and wasteful government.

    Why should I have to pay welfare and healthcare for someone too lazy to pay their own freight? (The mentally incapable and physically infirm are worthy recipients of societal support. The poor will always be with us. I serve such people with my personal time and personal financial resources to the extent I am able. I don’t need Barack Obama or George Bush stealing cash from me to serve their own ends.) Those slackers should have studied and taken advantage of a public education and gone on to college and further.

    Thomas Sowell did it. I did it. There is nothing stopping any child from doing the same.

    You liberal bastards had Congress for 40 consecutive years and poured trillions at welfare and federal education, and you all fucked it up because the poor are still here, uneducated, and having abortions.

    Privileged, my ass. I made it. So can anyone willing to work.

    Look at BJ. He’s not wealthy and clearly not Einstein, but with a wife and kid he’s humping it through law school. He’ll prosecute parking tickets for the first 10 years of his career, then go on to handle immigration applications until he dies a divorced alcoholic. Beats sweeping up at McDonald’s. I guess. Your argument is that because he is sacrificing bike time now, nights with his daughter, and a life with his wife while he’s buried in unbelievably tedious and boring casebooks, he should have to pay for milk, cheese, and healthcare for your lazy ass?

    Hey BJ, through Mikey a Benjamin, he’s hungry for some Night Train and porn while you’re studying! And he’ll need a scrip for the clap he’ll catch from his bitch. Then he’ll need a few bucks to pay for the abortion. BJ, you privileged bitch, cough it up!

    Mikey, try cracking a book or listening to someone other than Joe Biden or Al Franken. Start with Freakonomics — it is extremely well-written. So well-written that even you might understand.

    And if you are so anxious to help out society, why don’t you take half your earnings and give it to the first beggar on the street you meet tonight. You might have to forego that nice little fixie you’ve been coveting, but what the hell. It’s your turn to pay up bitch.

  9. STY said: “I obey the same laws and enjoy the same protection as any homeless person in the U S of A.”

    I’m glad you are not practicing law anymore, sty. You are petty and bitter. Plus, you are a braggart. All costly to both clients and, more importantly, the profession.

    The worst students always thought the casebooks were boring. The better ones never did.

    And the worst ones always bragged/lied the most about their grades.

    I have to assume you have heard the timeworn quote about the majestic equality of the law? http://quotationsbook.com/quote/31495/

  10. Is it really considered bragging when he is simply stating his accomplishments?

    BTW…this is one of the best “discussions” this site has seen in a while…great reading for sure.

    Now, where’s Dave?

  11. “Privileged, my ass. I made it. So can anyone willing to work.”

    STY— Ah yes, the old “I got mine, so fuck you” philosophy. Charming.

    You are dead wrong in every single way possible— from your erroneous assumptions to your misstated facts. That’s why I remain skeptical you even believe the crap you spew. If you knew me, or actually considered my views, you would know that I too paid my own way through college, living in unheated houses and eating rice and beans. Big fucking deal. I started from scratch and have paid off both homes. Again, big fucking deal. I cast as many R votes as D. I own guns and am permitted to carry concealed. I don’t play golf because it’s gay.

    This point remains completely obvious: the rich benefit more from the government than the poor. The rich are only rich because the government maintains the status quo for them. Rich guys drive fat-ass “luxury sports” cars on wide, smooth roads; poor guys take the bus. Rich guys play golf; poor guys carry rifles in Iraq. Rich guys live in ostentatious McMansions; poor guys spend 12-hour days hanging the sheet rock. Who is benefitting? Don’t be an idiot.

    PS— had an awesome fifty-mile ride yesterday, I’m out the door for thirty more and this evening the wife and I are heading out for a weekend of mountain biking. Enjoy the ride, maybe it will mellow you a little.

  12. “BJ…clearly not an Einstein…” Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Think I’ll have another Bourbon.

  13. Smarter –

    are you completely against welfare? What do you propose we do with people who can’t/don’t support themselves?

    What constitutes being born with a silver spoon? What demographic, income, family structure, religion is necessary for one to be declared privileged? Is it IQ based?

    Just because you aren’t rolling in wealth doesn’t mean you don’t have it better than some. What about the low income single parent families, no dad, mom works two jobs so you can have the basic necessities. You come from something like that? We can argue all day about how easy or tough it was growing up, how hard we work and deserve what we get, but we can’t speak for everyone.

    I agree that work ethic is a critical need, but that alone or coupled with the intelligence and desire to succeed does not level the playing field.

    Heres a question for you, what do you propose we do with the true dumbass, no intelligence, lazy bastard who has no desire to do anything? Obviously you don’t want to support that person. I don’t either. So what do we do with them? Wait until they commit a crime, get caught and then lock them up?

    What about the hardworking person who has no buffer, no family, only desire? Would you favor not helping them get ahead so they can get further in life, make more money, pay taxes…or do we just say fuck you, bad luck, shit happens and leave them to fight a major, odds against them, uphill battle?

    It is easy to bitch and moan about how much this policy or that sucks, but humor me anyone who reads this far, what do you suggest is the fix?
    I suspect sitting on our collective, socialist/fascist high horses e-arguing all day won’t quite do it.

    There are truly stupid people in this world, so what do we do with them? I don’t know.

    Lets hear some ideas from some of the vocal forces here.

  14. “Life ain’t fair. Get over it.”

    People who are capable of seeing the world from other perspectives, or at least capable of trying to do so, will quickly see how inane and vapid that statement is. Go to a country without a stable government and let that statement comfort you while someone lops off your head just because you are in the way and they are bigger than you.

    The more you really think about those words, the more you see how totally non-functional the phrase is. I mean, it sorta works for when your kid is pissed off at some minor vexation. But as a political ethic/governmental paradigm, it’s just stupid.

    Or worse — “life ain’t fair, get over it” has after all actually *been* the operating governmental ethic for the most psychotic and cruel political systems in history, from ancient Rome to modern-day Sudan.

  15. “Life is not fair” is a useful and meaningful description of the human condition, though not the only one. But follow it with “get over it” and use the two phrases together to respond to a question about whether or not a country should take care of its disadvantaged citizens is a pretty good indication that the speaker is an amoral and ignorant dick.

  16. E, no. “People who are capable of seeing the world from other perspectives” will probably have braions enough to know that my statement cuts two ways. You can winge a namecall and generally bitch piss and moan like some trolling internet commando, or you can truly GET OVER IT and DO SOMETHING about the situation. That’s how my family and I do it anyway, through charitable donations, voluteer work, and the high calling of our daily lives. Well it beats the fuck out of doing nothing, anyway.

  17. dave; are we forgetting that your boys spent billions on a war to know here?

    Are we forgetting that nearly a year ago your boys proposed the single greatest stimulus to date in an election year? (enter you broad definition of the misused term Socialism) If you wish to remain consistent, which is you only escape here, then your definition of socialism includes the GOP. They tax and spend therefore they must be socialists too. Correct? Or is one just more social and one just more moral? which is it? It doesn’t matter because they are both false and do not exist.

    Read your above statement. attacking people not problems. It’s what you do. hit repeat when you get a question you can’t answer. It is what the GOP does best

    Let’s see…. you are a charitable donor now? You volunteer your time to the community? what a hypocrite. Not long ago you were calling Obama’s challenge to society to contribute time to their communities a “form of slavery”. errr socialism, maybe Nazi…..

    the real problem you have and white people in your tax bracket/mind bracket (which BTW the GOP gives 2 shits about) is that you cant deal with smarts and logic and you can’t just can’t stand the idea that someone ‘beneath you’, be it race or income, might stand to benefit from something politically. You just don’t want anyone you don’t like to have what you have and that is the standing M.O. of the GOP anyway. Which is ironic because How in the hell the GOP appeals to someone in your tax bracket is beyond me. How someone in your tax bracket assumes they are elite is beyond anyone.

    The appeal is simple. You like the fact that the GOP makes you feel morally better than ohters. YOu are easily persuaded by the class war that is hidden in all this. It is a false class war because there are only 2 classes now and you fear that you will fall on the low end. With the black man, or the brown man, or people not a christian as you. but alas you are there and that is what pisses you off.

    now I say to you get over it and do something about it. Charity is more than giving your family’s used bed sheets to good will.

    Now you ask what kind of charity is that I might give back. Well yesterday I went to the shelter in Laguna Beach CA and handed out free condoms. What is the difference between you and me here? Well I didn’t tell them how to wear them and with whom or even put them on for them like you might at your local church

    get over it and do something indeed

    you stupid fuck