I’ve been getting some motivational bullshit from a variety of sources. Now that there are a few, I figured it’s about time I post ’em and get ’em off my desk. Well, not really my desk. But you know what I mean.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
I’ve been getting some motivational bullshit from a variety of sources. Now that there are a few, I figured it’s about time I post ’em and get ’em off my desk. Well, not really my desk. But you know what I mean.
Some for the fans of brother Hunter Thompson: http://www.sloshspot.com/blog/12-31-2008/Hunter-S-Thompson-Motivational-Posters-98
WMD? all i can think of is the justification for an invasion. what else could it stand for? Womens’ Most Desirables? Whistle Muffin Diversions? What Mammals Drink(from)? yeah, i got nothin. here’s my favorite demotivator: http://www.bluedogposters.com.au/img/01/01-1720_l.jpg
Weapons of Mass Distraction.
WMD: Weapon of Male Destruction, those would ruin a good man. I could see it now, Honey, I’m going for a ride. Oh baby don’t go, I will let you play with my tits. Fuck it, I’m staying home.