He bugged me the other day about how quiet I’ve been, so Here I am. Back with a clarification and a rant-ish post.
After the election many places I visit on the Intertubes™ were full of ‘haters’ at the fact Obama won. For whatever reason people couldn’t be happy with someone who is intelligent, capable of speaking clearly and before being sworn in, had the respect of much of the world’s population.
That wasn’t nearly enough for some; others are just batshit-fucking-crazy with the muslim-terrorist-non-american-socialist-bla-de-blah-blah bullshit. Well, fuck you and the horse you picked. You lost, he won and everyone wants to make sure they have a job for the next few months and that they don’t go bankrupt. Which brings me to the meme of the month. Healthcare.
From a post at Democratic Underground :
Every other nation in the industrialised world manages some form of universal healthcare. It takes many different forms, with varying methods of delivery and paying for it. Since you’re coming to this relatively late, there’s nothing to stop the US setting up a committee to examine the existing systems and then mix-and-matching the best parts, absorbing Medicare and Medicaid along the way, until you come up with something special and uniquely American. The USA is the richest nation in the world. California alone is the fifth biggest economy on earth and yet, you are the only industrialised nation which doesn’t guarentee at least basic healthcare for all of it’s citizens. Guys, Italy manages this without it turning into a socialistic nightmare. Are you seriously telling me that US politicians are markedly worse than those of Italy? In most of the civilised world, only a very few unfortunates (mainly homeless people or drug abusers) die for lack of care. That’s a tragedy, no questions there but how many people in the US die because they can’t afford care?
That’s my emphasis in there. Fucking ITALY. Where they have garbage strikes practically every year. Fucking EVERYBODY got on the boat after WWII and decided to point a shitload of resources into keeping their people stong and healthy. We chose ‘free market’. Saint Ronnie (that idiotic fuckwit) said this about Medicare/Medicaid back in 1961. Now, the shit Bill Mahr sticks on the end of it is pretty funny, but the point is, NONE OF THOSE THINGS CAME TO PASS.
deep breaths… deep breaths… goosfrabaaa…goosefrabaa…
Ok, so we all know it’s a load of shit and now we have these Blue Dogs and Conservadems caving to the whole Rethugs like a battered spouse. Fer fucks’ sake people. STOP IT. You are in the majority, act like it. Step up and shove the best legislation down their throats, and watch them squeal like bitches about bipartisanship. Where the fuck was theirs less for the last 12 years? Fuck playing nice. Fuck bipartisanship. Pass legislation that works.
Where does the funding come from? Well fuck… since we spend 50% of the ENTIRE PLANETS spending on defense… maybe MAYBE we could cut that F22 (which we did) for a nice 122 billion and start there? Who the fuck are we going to fight with that? Al Quaeda? Those fuckers who live in fucking dirt huts? Using 20 year old Kalashnikovs? Ammo left over from the Soviet occupation and the Iran-Iraq war? If we cant roll in there and kick these hut-dwellers with what we had 20 years ago, how the fuck are we going to stop them with more money? F22’s cost what 45million a piece? And a handful of box-cutters from Home Depot…? But again… I digress.
The other reason I have been gone is life, work, addiction… all those things that make life a rich, full novel, not a boring 1 page homework essay assignment. Whatever. I’m going to click on some Orange Goblin and get back to leveling the mightiest dwarf in all of Azeroth. Laters.
Too bad I don’t know more of you personally because you would know just how off Mikey is. To be atheist is to–according to Mikey the evangelistic atheist–excuse millions of dead and trillions of dollars stolen? Not the simplest, but certainly the laziest and most cowardly explanation.
I suppose to you it is a conspiracy that W’s brother Marvin Bush ran a company in charge of the security for the elevator renovation at the WTC just before 9/11? Funny how that would have given them ideal access at free will to plant as much explosives as they needed to crush the core of the towers.
I’m sure Mikey loves that Popular Mechanics debunker “article”, which to me is so obviously fucking whitewashed. “Oh, you can’t trust anything that was said in the days after 9/11, it was just such a confusing time for all of us.” What a fucking cop-out.
And again, its degraded into a rambling incoherent pissing contest completely unrelated to health care.
this is why the US is fucked. an entire generation unable to focus on one thing without getting distracted and having topics hijacked (lol… hijacked…) by trolls with nothing better to do than espouse their crooked, illogical and unrelated crap.
welcome to idiocracy.
You initiated the discussion on funding and 9/11, read your own post. . . you implied box cutters were all that it took to start the war on terror. Fucking talk about illogical. Write a good article which will lead to good discussion. Look at what the fucking shit you wrote, it’s barely coherent at best.
This can’t be true can it?
It’s politics. What the fuck does “true” have to do with it?