Just got back from Redlands where the RideClean Team pinned up and suffered alongside 197 of their closest friends. Only 105 finishers mind you as Jonny’s buddy Jeff Louder spanked all comers. That was hard as shit…all I did was drive the car and I’m spent.
Below — in the start house on Thursday…
Always impressive to see the suffering these guys put themselves through just to be able to say they did it. The team was the best amateur show there — and finished better than a couple pro teams there. Hats off to the boys — Hammy and ColavitA and Cookie and J-Rod and the Velosopher D. Glick. Paul “Moisty” Thomas and Rocket Ron had to bow out — Paul w/ a race-ending mechanical.
Here’s a shot of the horses in the pen before Saturday’s crit…icey is nicey on the neck and keeps the core cool while the long winded announcer does the call ups.
What was my personal RBC moment? Not the satisfaction of seeing that sweet custom paint job on the Somecs next to all that bike bling. No, not the $2 million dollar host house on the hill and the endless beers with my fellow bitch Brock B. … it would have to be David the Velosopher Glick’s grimace as he spun a 53×11 over 60mph getting back on in Friday’s stage after a flat. Here he is below in the crit. You, sir, are the shit.
Where is my new kit?
Oh yeah special order xxxl
godsummer is coming on.I can handle 53×11 for about 2 1/2 seconds. Then I need a 6 pack and a nap.
Great pixs.
I can totally storm a 53×11.
..in a free fall.
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