here is a little press about some fellows (and ladies) i used to roll with in STL.
seriously, he is right in the middle off bunny hopping a dead coyote.
this is where more photos (plus info about the shinanagins at hand (and double plus info about lots more unrelated shinanagins)) can be found
and here is where the bikesnob shit all over their good times
this is some good people having some good fun.
Bunny hopping road kill ??
I was wondering when you were going to spot that BSNYC thing.
that shits fucked up man.
It wasn’t road kill. They dragged that coyote from a field into the road for the sole purpose of jumping it and taking pictures to show how cool it was.
I mean I’m not trying to hate too hard on them. Some of their shenanigans look pretty similar to what I call a fun night, but playing with an animal carcass and posing with it in staged photography is pretty damn lame unless you’re wearing camo, killed the thing, and plan on eating it.
uncool.offensive.just plain stupid.
…moronic inbred bullshit…
Damn son, they look like my people. And, I gotta say, if I had a dollar for every dead animal I went out of my way to bunnyhop, I could cover tonights bar tab straight cash!
let us not overlook that he bunnyhopped a pony keg as well. good times.
I’m going to need a urine sample from all you guys. Just pee in my hands. I can smell doping. From here.
That looks like good clean fun to me.
I mean, you want to wash your hands before eating, but. Good clean fun.
It is the live ones you have to watch out for , groundhogs and squirrels mostly, sometimes snakes, birds and deer
gay deer?
i’m not sure why everyone is getting so worked up…its not like their fucking the dead coyote, they’re jumping over it. and even if they were fucking a dead coyote, are you allowed to judge them?
Hello Pineapple. Welcome to Drunk Cyclist.
thanks pal.
sign me up.
Dead truck stop hooker bunny hopping is what I want to see. What’s dude with pole for? Height measurement? Amplitude?
You gotta love a “ride” when someone brings a ten foot pole, you know, just in case you run into a situation the average softy wouldn’t go near said situation with said ten foot pole.
Then you can show the world that, yes, you really would go near it with a ten foot pole.
that coyote looks fake. PHOTOSHOP!
Did that coyote weigh a ton?