Lnk’n dumpster

I needed a win. And I got one.

Erotic actresses from Austria and Germany line up for their national anthems before a five-a-side beach soccer match on the Danube river island in downtown Vienna.

Mind you, it’s complete with photos. Oh my. Read more: www.stuff.co.nz

One for the event calendar in case you’ve got any a) time off coming and/or b) spare loot burning a hole in your pocket.

Greetings Bikelings!

Mark your calendars this next weekend June 19-22 is the 2nd Annual Sheeptown Fat Tire Rally in Hailey, ID! Strap on your shoes, tighten the strap on your helmet, and pump up your tires because this is going to a riot.

Visit: www.sheeptown.wordpress.com to get the details on the weekend events.

In Short:

Thursday June 19- Northern Utah Drag Nationals and Dirty Bird’s Southern BBQ on the skids.

  • Event to be held at Powerhouse Bike Shop on N 1st Ave behind the Golden Elk
  • Entry Fee of $15 covers race entry and all the BBQ and Beer your poor stomach can handle
  • BBQ and such begins at 7:00 p.m.
  • Racing starts at 8:00 p.m. Head to head single elimination bracketed drag racing….literally drag racing. You will be hauling a log.
  • Live music on the patio!

Friday June 20- Hebrew National One Handed Hot Dog Hillclimb World Championships

  • Event registration from 6-8 at Wiseguy Pizza
  • Race starts at 8:00 p.m. sharp!
  • Live Music with Cold Hard Rain on the Wiseguy patio
  • Awards etc to be held following the race at Wiseguy

Saturday June 21- South Valley Super Epic!

  • Meet at Powerhouse at 10:00 a.m.
  • Ride will be a large loop of South Valley Trails
  • Entry fee of $5 covers hotdog and bun plus a cold beer or two at the finish…you’ll need one as this sport makes you thirsty
  • Free event

Sunday June 22- North Valley Detox Tour

  • Ride route and meeting place TBD as we need to assess the north valley trail situation with snow pack and trail conditions so stay tuned!
  • Free event with potential lunch at Galena Lodge depending on trail conditions
  • Ride to start from somewhere at 12:00 noon

Hey you have been warned.

One more:

From: Chris
Subject: Biker down but no out
Hey guys,
I read your blog all the time you all. The pictures of the guys Balls where the best!

I have a request of sorts for you, A good friend of mine who is a bike fool is going through Chemo and a bunch of us are organizing a fund raiser for him and his family. His name is Jeff Bates and he works at the Wild Rose Bike shop here in Salt Lake City, He is a great guy who lives for his family and to pound the dirt on his single speed 29er they usually do the 24 of Moab every year, they didn’t do to good last year since he was in treatment at the time but they still pounded. If there is any way to get a shout out for him that would be dope. Here are the details of the fundraiser we have going on. Also any donations for the silent auction would be greatly appreciated.

There will be a poker tournament/silent auction/party on June 28th In Salt Lake City Ut, at
a friend’s warehouse near the Franklin Covey baseball field. More details to come soon, but we wanted to get the word out and start collecting silent auction prizes. We’d like to get most prizes donated
so more money goes to the Bates family.

The tournament will be a satellite structure with final tables at the end. I think it will only cost $40 to get a seat with the ability to buy back in if you get knocked out. There will be prizes for everyone
that makes it to the final table (~ 12 people) and great prizes for the top 3. One donated prize is a trip to Mexico (airfare and

Also, Tony Pereira (www.pereiracycles.com) has donated a custom bike frame that will either be at the silent auction or raffled off at the event.

Whether or not you like poker, it’s going to be an awesome night for an awesome cause. You don’t have to play poker, but you will have fun. Please mark it on your calendars, pass along the information to anyone you think would be interested, and we’ll send more information when the announcement flyer is created.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

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