Camel Hump Wednesday

I’ve ridden a mountain bike a total three time in the last two weekends. That is pretty much the new record for the last 18 months of my life. I’m not particularly proud of it or anything, that’s just the way it is. And it is a record I hope to improve upon.

The snow is melting away. The sun is out. The trails are firming up. I’ve still got a few piles of snow about the yard, but there are also a few things sprouting up between them.

Spring: It is coming.

I’m not one for first of the year weight loss pledges and the like. I’m not one who needs to win some race or the other to make it all worthwhile. I’m not going to change the world.

But this is my year.

And I’m going to take it for everything it’s worth.

File this one under “holy shit”:

A man who viciously attacked an Auckland woman is being chased by police over a series of similar random attacks.

The man, described by police as a “bloody animal”, yesterday punched a 63-year-old cyclist off her bike and then hurled her off a 3m bridge in Waiatarua Reserve, near Remuera.
Read more:

Same heading for this one:

A rabid mountain lion… attacked a 10-year-old boy north of Phoenix on Saturday, before being shot to death by a family member
Read more”

You gotta be shitting me. Rabid mountain lions? Family member saves day with firearm? What is this, the wild, wild west?

Oh yeah, don’t answer that.

Anyway, happy Hump Day and all that. Has it really already been a week since I last typed that?

Facial Dermatology

Professor John Bukkake does alot of research in the field of facial dermatology. This means he looks for treatments for facial skin diseases. In his twenty year career, he initiated many possible remedies to eczema, acne, psoriasis and even aging. His research is used in many common medicine and he’s one of the initial promotors of anti-oxidants for skin treatment.

I could try to write something about our Dear Elliot and his wayward eyes (the flesh is weak, eh Elliot?) but it’s all been said already, and better, at tpmcafe . He’ll undoubtedly resign today at some point, and maybe move to France, grow a beard and get fat.

Worked for Gore…

As always, catch the latest on that and other political issues at

Random Shite:…bike-network…comebackthe-flip-of-switch

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

15 Replies to “Camel Hump Wednesday”

  1. I’m sorry if I missed this, but where’s the rant against the NY Gov who just got busted for being the biggest John in the news lately?

    By this time after the Craig news there was plenty to be said….


  2. KG ~

    It’s there.

    I could try to write something about our Dear Elliot and his wayward eyes (the flesh is weak, eh Elliot?) but it’s all been said already, and better, at tpmcafe . He’ll undoubtedly resign today at some point, and maybe move to France, grow a beard and get fat.

    Worked for Gore…

    As always, catch the latest on that and other political issues at

    I didn’t waste too much type on that idiot. But, if it makes you feel better – he’s looking at well deserved jail time on this one. And I don’t feel bad for him at all.

  3. Whatever… the big deal is that Rep. members of Congress raise hell when its a Dem, but when its one of their own (Vitter, Craig, Gingrich, the list goes on…)They remain unbelievably silent.

    I have no problem with some dude going out and getting a little at the chicken ranch. Its between him and his missus. If he ain’t getting it at home, you better believe he is going to go and get take-out. To be honest, I have told my wife the same thing. If I’m not getting it here, I will end up getting it somewhere else. Preventitive medicine, I say. Make sure your man is happy and he won’t feel tempted by others. Ignore him and he is bound to surf porn or worse.

    When it comes to parties declaring war on infidelity of the other party and not doing the same to their own is where I have a problem. (see also Newt, Giuliani, and many others who railed against Clinton, but themselves were guilty of the same shit.) THAT is where I have a problem. It’s called hypocrisy.


  4. Oh… also.. Craig was one of the most vocal proponents of anti-gay legislature, and got busted LOOKING FOR GAY SEX. Talk about the kettle and the pot.

    The heirarchy goes something like :

    One-time infidelity
    Regular John
    Gay sex
    Diaper Fetish

    or something like that.

  5. Obscure factoid, which brings the subject of camels full-circle to the subject of American Politics:

    Hillary’s top contributor ($490K+): The law firm of DLA Piper, headed by former US Senator George J. Mitchell.

    One of DLA Piper’s biggest clients, sheiks in Dubai and the UAE, who have hired the firm to represent them against charges of enslaving boys to be camel jockeys.

    Just plain weird.

  6. Actually, the NY governor was famous for busting prostitution rings and was a “law and order” guy. Plus, there are some issues with the financing of the whores, and they type of accounting and money shuffling that went into paying for the whores.

    Again, lefties see it as a sex issue when the issue goes a lot deeper.

    Just like leftists try to obfuscate the clinton issues by saying it’s just about ‘sex’ when it’s about obstructing justice, lying to grand jury, instructing others to hide evidence, sexual harassment,and using the power of the presidency to deny justice to others.

  7. …that is so much fucking sanctimonious claptrap, kg…you tryin’ ta say the ‘righties’, the ‘rightists’ don’t do the same fucking thing when the tables are turned…gimme a break…

    …at least ‘lefties’, as you so eloquently put it, have sex scandals that involve expensive women when they’re getting their cigars smoked…& ya, i know, spitz & bill are hypocrites…

    …but the issues run just as deep when you’ve been hypocritically representing your position to your constituents & yet looking for gay sex in airport washrooms…”not that there’s anything wrong w/ that”…

  8. Absolutely, bikesgonewild. I’ve lived in the DC area for about 12 years (It’s far worse to live around DC than in DC). I’ve seen assholes come and go, but there have been fewer sanctimonious bastards in politics that deserve to become the mobile glory hole in prison moreso than Elliot Spitzer. That motherfucker has (at least as of this writing) his office a few blocks away from my apartment. I’ve shaken his hand and asked his opinion on issues. I’m ashamed to say I voted for him not because I voted deomocrat, but because I respected his opinions and what he did as a reformer.

    However it is the position of the weak willed to reduce something like this to a liberal vs. conservative issue. There are assholes in every party and in every walk of life. Instead of trying to point the blame on the other guy, just try and be better than them. The Republican party should be sending Spitzer condolences and notes of thanks, because the only way a Republican is NOT going to become the next NY Governor is if he’s fucking a chicken.

    What’s more troubling for me is that this motherfucker built his reputation on being a paragon of virtue. He profitted from this, and so did his fucking wife and the rest of his family. Even if he’s gonna have to move out of the Governor’s mansion next week, he will not be hurting by a long shot.

    I think we can all forgive one or two indiscretions. Holding as high an office as state governor can’t be easy, and the temptation to cut loose has to be great. But dropping $80,000 on whores over 10 years? Karmic payback and irony don’t even come close to what this fucker should go through.

  9. This isn’t about indiscretions, and I couldn’t care less about what any politician does in private with other consenting adults. But if a guy is willing to set up shell corporations to launder the money he’s spending on prostitutes, he’ll bend and break laws to cover up just about anything. Like say, using the state police to spy on a political rival. This man is a stone cold crook and a disappointment to all of us who had supported him.

  10. At the prices he’s been paying, that’s only twice a year for 10 years! Have you seen the photos of the skank in question? He’s also an idiot, that’s only $80 south of the border!

  11. Just like leftists try to obfuscate the clinton issues by saying it’s just about ’sex’ when it’s about obstructing justice, lying to grand jury, instructing others to hide evidence, sexual harassment,and using the power of the presidency to deny justice to others.

    Actually, KG, that just isn’t true. Bill Clinton may have been pressured to step down from the Presidency, but it was nothing like what Elliot Spitzer has faced from Left, Right and Center.

    I said, in my post and repeated in this comment section:

    I could try to write something about our Dear Elliot and his wayward eyes (the flesh is weak, eh Elliot?) but it’s all been said already, and better, at tpmcafe . He’ll undoubtedly resign today at some point, and maybe move to France, grow a beard and get fat.

    Worked for Gore…

    As always, catch the latest on that and other political issues at

    The link I choose, tpmcafe, was no accident. That is a fairly brutal assessment, at least I felt at the time, by a decidedly left wing website. There have been other brutal assessments since, and there undoubtedly will be more.

    Also, I also wrote:

    I didn’t waste too much type on that idiot. But, if it makes you feel better – he’s looking at well deserved jail time on this one. And I don’t feel bad for him at all.

    Now I’m wasting all types of type on that idiot.

    Look: He fucked up. He’s going to jail. What the hell more do you want from us “lefties”?

  12. One would think that The Emperor’s Club VIP will suffer a considerable lack of business or be shut down altogether. Considering how much “Client 9” spent (or for that matter how the duplicitous bastard paid to get his dick wet), it stands to reason that others were being charged similar rates if not more. I would think that the parent organization running The Emperor’s Club VIP would be most distressed by this loss of revenue and would want to address their concerns to “Client 9.” With a ball peen hammer.

  13. kg whats it like?to be a frightwing apologist fag i mean?clinton’s impeachment was about justice?and not a partisan witch hunt?i guess iraq is about freedom and democracy too right asswipe?