SSWC 2008

This just in…

hey y’all
Registration for the Single Speed World Championships 2008 in Napa, CA, USA, will open on January 1, 2008, at 12:00 a.m. PST. We will post an on-line form for people to fill out and email to us soon. Again, registration does not open until January 1, 2008 at 12:00 a.m. Any emailed registration forms prior to that date and time will be DELETED. We will contact you to let you know if you are in or out. If you are in, there will be instructions on payment via PayPal. Registration is $35 U.S. dollars. If you don’t make it in, we still encourage you to come out and play that weekend anyway. There will be lots of rides going on all over the Bay Area. More details about the race weekend will be posted shortly. Good Luck! Please forward to friends that might be interested and please post on blogs and websites, if applicable. We really want to inform as many as possible so that everyone has a fighting chance to get into the race. Thanks.
Curtis, Ken, Jeff, Andrew, Dennis & Mitzi

I am posting this against my better judgement, seeing as I don’t want a fighting chance but rather I’d like it to be more like a guaranteed entry. But I am a generous and giving god, so here you go. In other news, I am accepting donations for a set of Industry Nine SS-29’er wheels. Seeing as the race happens right before my birthday, Its a fitting gift to get one of the most awesome wheelsets out there. Right?



ps: Blue hubs and spokes please.

About bikepunk

“Cuts, scrapes, bruises… all in a day’s riding. Then it’s off for some good german beer in a local biergarten.” Munich, Germany

7 Replies to “SSWC 2008”

  1. Leave it to the CA people to make it stupid….It would be nice to know if youre in or ot from the beginning….

  2. Anyone who’s not too drunk to use a computer at midnight on New Year’s eve probably doesn’t belong at the SSWC in the first place.

  3. nik……….Good point. When you win the contest to host it next year I’m sure that you will do a much better than the “CA people”.

  4. Even if I win “the Contest next year” I am sure it will be fixed like it was in 07…The CA Fag noway won that one, yet he must have sucked somone off to get it in CA..Or CandyAss..
    You should be aware by now there fucking link Doesnt even work when said it would…..Again Leave it CA people to be defensive and retarded…..

  5. The link IS there, it is just off to the right of the screen. In the empty portion of the screen.

    Kinda shitty, but I found it.

    If the race sucks at least I’ll have some good people to ride with on my vacation.

  6. Yeah, leave it to “CA people” to ask your eye color as consideration. Just how the hell are they weighing this thing???!