About Snake

Tucson, Arizona, USA

11 Replies to “5 Times”

  1. put the post up you fucking jerk

    it’s not like you’re gonna lower the quality of writing around here or anything like that


  2. put the post up you fucking jerk!

    It’s not like you’re gonna lower the quality of writing around here.


  3. *posts a random quote to fill the void*

    “As a nation, we began by declaring that “All men are created equal.” We now practically read it, “All men are created equal, except Negroes.” Soon, it will read “All men are created equal, except Negroes, and Foreigners and Catholics.” When it comes to this, I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty. To Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure and without the base alloy of hypocrisy” –Abraham Lincoln

  4. how about this Haiku:

    Poetry is lame
    talk shit about bikes and beer
    don’t forget the sluts


  5. Chris, you need to go back to poetry school and re-read the section on Haiku.
    5-7-5 bro

  6. i really tried to be a wise ass and make it 5-7-5
    maybe my counting is broken
    i am even sitting in my office right now clapping my hands like a 2nd grader and counting
    poetry is extra lame now
    fuck it. its happy hour

  7. haiku about spam = spamku

    A young pig is born–
    a life full of potential.
    Cut short by Hormel.

    millions die in Chad
    U.S. sends Spam over night
    millions die in Chad