Veterans’ day.

Somehow I saw it coming down to this. Arresting real veterans, while the guys who get deferments; the guys who never saw any action; the guys who are sending friends of this website to fight and die in a god-forsaken far-off land sit back and utter placating platitudes, saying words like ‘Honor’, ‘Duty’ and ‘Respect’ while having none, never doing, and deserving less. Fuck those guys. Rude Pundit says it better than I can. Im not drunk enough to match my anger.

About bikepunk

“Cuts, scrapes, bruises… all in a day’s riding. Then it’s off for some good german beer in a local biergarten.” Munich, Germany

22 Replies to “Veterans’ day.”

  1. glad to have everyone along for this vomit-ridden-slide down into the depths of shit. FUCK! this pisses me off.

    Viva La Revolution!

  2. Thats just fucked up.

    I’m suprised the police arrested them, I know a few cops and they are all ex-military and they all say they would refuse to do so if put in that situation.

    Remember the saying goes, “God, Corp, Country”. Not “God, Law, Country”

  3. “I’m a veteran…. are you?

    I gave up 6 years of my life, what have you done bike punk besides whine?”

    I would hardly say calling the current administration on all their shit is whining, but if that is how you feel then fine.

    I hope you benefits don’t get cut.


    Not that there are any benefits left, really. But you seem to know more than a whiner like me.

  4. I’m a vet and I’m pissed off. I’m pissed that people are denied their Constitutional right to freely assemble. I’m pissed off that people are allowed to drive with cranio-rectal impaction and kill cyclists without so much as a wrist slap. I’m pissed off by a (p)Resident that only won the Supreme Court’s election commiting treason against the country he was charged with serving. And I’m pissed off that I was hit by a government employee in a government vehicle, and the government hid this from me until after the statute of limitations expired leaving me unable to get restitution for my lost income, medical bills, and pain and suffering.

  5. As a veteran, this crap pisses me off on many different levels. However, I am grateful that even non-veterans are pissed off, also. I don’t expect any special treatment because I’m a veteran, i.e. I’m just me and that was one of my expeirences. I learned from it and I have no regrets about it, I was honorably discharged and I performed my duties as a soldier. I am a patriot, but the current administration doesn’t call me that because I don’t agree with them. Why shouldn’t I be pissed about that? I support the troops, hell I was one, how couldn’t I? But the cadre of republicans think I’m some sort of traitor!

    The man who stole the election, so long ago, labeled himself as a ‘uniter’. Why then, are we so divided? I have close friends with children over there, some have died. How is this justified? With lies and cover-ups and thinly veiled fake concern for our soldiers and their well-being.

    Blah, Blah I appologize, my spirit is a bit broken. I can’t seem to conjure up much anger anymore, I’m burned out. Talking to people that think you are wrong about everything is akin to beating one’s head against a wall.

    Take care.

  6. Another vet weighing here, I absolutely did not need to start my day seeing that shit. I figure the pictured protester is WWII/ Korean War era and it just killed me to see someone like that taking the oppportunity to step up and voice his opinion as afforded him by the Constitution he fought to defend, and getting arrested. I’m sure there were easier things for him to do that day but he just said “Fuck it” and jumped once more into the breach. Much respect to someone with way more guts than me. Thanks for the heads up bp even though it sucked.
    As a vet, I also respect and appreciate ANYONE that stands up and advocates for me, the ones to come, the ones that went, and especially the ones that aren’t coming back or are coming back in pieces. If you love and believe in this country, step up in any way possible and let’s try to regain our stature. That’s if that is even possible at this point.
    Props to GC, Chris, Opus, and Araj- esp. Araj’s point about patriotism.

  7. Another vet who is in complete and total agreement with the Pundit:

    Here is perhaps definitive proof that there is no God, no being that gives a flying ratfuck about what occurs on Earth: when Vice President Dick Cheney placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, the ground did not open up and vomit forth the zombie corpses of the thousands upon thousands of dead there so they might rip Cheney’s remaining functioning organs out and drag his heaving, screaming being into realms of hell where he might be forced to suck mustard gas, be immolated by an atomic explosion, and be burned by napalm, all while having bullets fired through his flesh and grenades with their pins pulled shoved up his ass.

  8. Alot of great comments from a lot of great Americans who live in a country that once was great. I am also a vet and hope we can get back to greatness in our lifetimes. It’s going to take every day of it.

  9. I really like poking that hornet’s nest… so here goes…
    Hey George Crawford, Wanna take a swipe at anyone else here? Or was it just me?
    To all the vets who posted here, regardless of political leanings (before or after…) Thanks.
    Thanks for fighting like my uncle who still has schrapnel in his ass from Korea.
    Thanks for sacrificing like my other uncle who fought in Vietnam and came home somewhat disenchanted, but still cared for what America stood for… at least in principle.
    Thanks for everything, and to all those servicemen [R or D or L or just plain Crazy] who choose to sign up and serve and defend our constitution..
    Thanks go out to every one of you, because without your forefathers we would not have America™ and I would not be able to write these things on a blog about drinking and biking and all those things that D.C. embodies.
    Thanks to all of you who do what Cheney and Bush and Rice DID NOT do.
    Fuck you chickenhawks and 101 fighting keyboard brigade. I say bring it on, just like your hero… except we will destroy every last one of you and live to drink and bitch and change the US of A for the better.

  10. “America™”. I guess the folks in marketing (every U.S. citizen) are going to have to “harden the fuck up” to improve our branding efforts.

  11. “I really like poking that hornet’s nest… so here goes…
    Hey George Crawford, Wanna take a swipe at anyone else here? Or was it just me?”

    Man, I thought as a veteran I was allowed to voice my opinion without being questioned. It seems like you’re coming off kind of harsh on someone just exercising their right to free speech.

    And I didn’t sign up for the military for the benefits. I don’t think I even knew there were benifits like VA loans and such which I have used but didn’t even know existed until I got out.

  12. “I gave up 6 years of my life, what have you done bike punk besides whine?”

    “Man, I thought as a veteran I was allowed to voice my opinion without being questioned.”

    Once you start attacking someone personally, it’s no longer an opinion. It’s an insult.

    And every opinion should be questioned. Free speech is a 2 way street.

  13. insult? Yes, my razor tongue was quite vicious. I wonder how he withstood my barrage of insults. But again, I’m a veteran so i get a pass…. Or I thought that was the premises of this blog post.

  14. “insult? Yes, my razor tongue was quite vicious. I wonder how he withstood my barrage of insults. But again, I’m a veteran so i get a pass…. Or I thought that was the premises of this blog post.”

    No one gets a pass.

    A pass would insult your time in.

  15. Then why do you expect the guys in the photo get a pass to break the law?

    Odds are those vets are breaking a local city/state law, not some federal law passed in the last 6-7 years…

    Boston is a notoriously liberal city (as stated one post above) and a very liberal state. So the fact that those vets are being arrested has little to do with Bush and more to do with the local city of Boston or the state of Massachusetts.

    You USED the vets to fit your agenda as opposed to honoring the vets on veterans day.