I get a shit ton of email. And I still haven’t caught up on all the shit I missed while I was rubbing my dick between two rocks up in Colorado.
I thought ya’ll might like this one:
From: Michael
Subject: RE: Andromeda Strain
Btw, professional cycling has officially jumped the shark. I don’t give a fuck, I am throwing out all my lycra and going back to early 90’s basics, a tshirt, baggy shorts, camelback and a beer/bonghit. And yea, I will see you on the ROAD.
I hear you. I’m going for steel bikes with downtube shiftlevers. Fuck all.
Welcome back, kids. Some of us never left.
Also: Eat till you’re not hungry, and ride until you’re too tired. That’s your new training program.
Im glad I never left the ‘baggy shorts and beer’ crew. Camelback only comes out when its over 85 degrees and Im going on longer than 70k.
a bonghit first and a beer after has never gone out of style