Fucking Idiots

OK, they dope all the fucking time.

But it’s time to stop.

They’re killing the sport.

Vino just put a dagger through its heart.

About Bush43

“Long time cyclist, skier and purveyor of all that is good in this life.” SLC, Utah, USA

33 Replies to “Fucking Idiots”

  1. Halo, my name a Borat. my Khazak countryman you call Vino ees no dopa.
    He’s been cursed by gypsie…same evil gypsie curse that put absorbed twin into Tyler Ameeltone’s blood.
    Riders must wear garlic and goat’s hair around neck to ward off from evil gypsie curses.

  2. I don’t… I just don’t understand. You dope to win. You win, you get tested. Why don’t they have the brains to sandbag for second place they day that they dope in such an obvious way?

    Of course, I trust French labs as far as I can throw ’em, so it’s hard to know which stupid and inept side to believe any more.


  3. I trust the French labs WAY more than i trust any cyclist in the pro ranks…

    what does the lab have to gain by finding a positive? More work, negative press?

    what does the rider have to gain by being positive? A yellow jersey, a polka dot jersey, another contract next year?

    Ain’t it about time for Jan to open his big fat mouth (and O’Grady to draw another fat Jan cartoon)

  4. I didn’t know they drew blood for this type of testing. I thought they just did a tiny bit for hematocrit levels.

    This test looks at person specific protein receptors in the blood I think. It is based on a much older test to detect when a mother is leaking blood with her fetus and is quite reliable. Borat chimera gypsies and all counted (that is a hilarious post Parker!). The two different protein receptor types when a person’s blood is mixed with another’s really stand out.

  5. I fucking feel cheated. You know when you find out that something you liked was a lie. I was fucking cheering for him to lay some smack down, even though he couldn’t win I was just praying he went out like a champ. I hope jp is right and they find the lab was fucked. Or they find out he got a blood transfusion due to his “septic knee” either way he will always be know as a doper from now on.
    Fuck dope!!!!!!!!

  6. Motherfucker…..I just got back from doing a ride with a bunch of hills- pretending I was Vino as I climbed and then I see this. I almost teared up when he took the stage yesterday. Glad I didn’t order that Astana jersey……

  7. so when you loose bad..then you hit the superblood really hard..take the chance..and then you get popped.
    It TOTALLY looks like the Floyd deal.

    But ya also figure the kazahks hired an old East German training director..ya know what I mean?

    No way they weren’t pushing the envelope.
    Damn shame..and Rasmussen ain’t exactly in the clear either.

    so why the fuck bother?
    damn damn damn

  8. To clarify: Since the Landis fiasco, I’ve read a bit about the protocols the labs use to test riders. That shit is weak. The A and B samples are _not_ independent of each other, so the argument that both being positive means the test is reliable is horse shit. What do they have to gain? Their contract with the UCI and others. If they never get a positive result, and Dick “Dick Pound” Pound _knows_ that everybody is a cheater, then their lab is failing to catch them.

    I don’t know if they’re just ignorant, or malicious. Either way, maybe Millar _is_ the only guy not doping out there. His performance certainly suggests it.

  9. I am not watching any more of this tour.

    And German TV has the right idea. Fuck those guys. They get paid to ride a fucking bike. Same with Baseball, football, golf… whatever.

    Im so done with this tour. And the Tour in General.

    Next year Im dreassing up like a syringe and chasing these fuckers up the Col du Galibier.

    WHO’S WITH ME !??! !

  10. LMAO @ bikepunk’s comment. I’ll make a vial costume filled with red blood cells and follow you.

    Yes, TdF has lost its glimmer in a scant two years since LA finished his dominance. Let’s not utter a breath about whether or not he won fair and square. I personally choose to believe that one testical somehow gives pro riders an advantage over those with two.

    I still love my bike and will ride ride ride (pretending to be ME of course).

  11. All you guys aghast at the doping scandals…. who exactly are you routing for in the tour? Who do you think is clean? Why do you pretend to be shocked and are going to chase the peleton dressed in a syringe.

    And how exactly is doping cheating?

  12. It’s cheating because it’s against the rules.

    And I am shocked someone would be fucking stupid enough to boost his performance with an homologous blood transfusion during the Tour.

    Who are you root’n for, George?

  13. Vino was done for anyway. If he didn’t win this year he might just retire anyway. Obviously there is no honor left in this sport, so strictly from a money standpoint he probably made the right choice doping and taking the chance of getting caught.

    Vino’s Memoirs: coming soon to a bookstore near you.

  14. Having a bike that’s too light is against the rules…. taking a water bottle on a climb on the finish is against the rules.

    I was routing for Vino but when he crashed realized he was a long shot and after losing big time 2 days ago I knew he was out of it. I knew Levi just didn’t have the killer instinct to take the tour. I wanted Basso before he was booted.

    But I’m just no under the delusion that any of these guys are ‘clean’. An if fact, I don’t consider it cheating since they’re ALL on dope. They’re not ‘cheating’ each other, they’re only breaking a rule.

    The exciting moments that make cycling such a great sport to watch were all brought about my incredible feats by guys on dope. You want to kill the sport? Keep up the puritanical sweep of cycling.

    When was the last time you watched a great tour moment by someone who you KNOW is NOT on dope?

  15. It’s cheating because it’s illegal to practice medicine without a license. Experimenting with blood, dosages, substances that have not been tested for safety kills people. It killed about 25-35 cyclists in the early 90’s with EPO. The cyclists didn’t know how to do it. So they over did it. These fake blood products, have been implicated in studies in heart and renal failure. Anabolic steroids have a lot of adverse health affects. Catabolic steroids, like cortisone, destroy the immune system.

    Do you want adolescents brought into the doping “inner circle” and injected with this stuff? This has historically happened. You want to kill and injure kids and you want the massage therapists practicing medicine on young athletes with stars in their eyes?

    This is just the start of what’s wrong with it. At the other end is the notion I have that I want to watch a race where the cyclists have trained for it and not because one has better pharmaceutical concepts than another rider. Training is a level playing field, doping is not. Genetics is not too, but Merckx told us to choose our parents wisely.

  16. Practicing without a license??? So if your under a doctors supervision, which most are, you’d be happy with it? I doubt it.

    They’re adults, they know the risks, they can decide if they want to take it. I feel the same way about recreational drugs, I think adults should be able to make up their own minds on what they decide to eat, drink, smoke, or shoot.

    “This is just the start of what’s wrong with it. At the other end is the notion I have that I want to watch a race where the cyclists have trained for it and not because one has better pharmaceutical concepts than another rider”,

    please give me an example of a pro race you have watched that this has ever happened? Really.

    I’m still waiting for someone to post a person they’re routing for in this tour that is clean.

    Who’s the guy you’re watching in this race, sprinter, climber, TT, domestique… anything, that is giving you a reason to watch this race, that is clean.

  17. George,

    It’s rooting.

    Not “routing”.

    Clean racing is just as exciting. It’s just done a mile, or three, per hour slower. You can hardly tell on the telly, I assure you.

  18. Honestly beginning to wonder if our old pal Dave’what game play’ Zabriskie quit w/ bad knees or was he really just disillusioned w/ what he saw around him.
    Riders like Millar & Gerdeman seem to be quite outraged by this latest transgression. Maybe Dave Z. just reached that conclusion a little sooner. There’s gotta be talk within the peleton.

  19. One last time…. who is clean? If doping bothers you so much, why are you watching?

    Who are the clean racers you’re rooting for?

    Who was the last clean Tour champion?

    What about Eddy Merckx? Cycling hero? Anquitille? Legend?

    Doping is wrong because it’s against the rules? pffft

    Doping is wrong because cyclist can get killed? They’re adults, I’ll let them decide how to lead their own lives. I’m not much one for telling others how to live their lives. Maybe you are.

    Doping is wrong because young cyclists may be influenced? Should we make a list of things adults do that are bad for young people and make those illegal for adults too?

    You’re nannieisms have killed another tour.

  20. As long as it’s your last time…

    Who are you rooting for?
    Who do you think was the last clean Tour Champ? World Champ? US Champ?

    Of course there are rules in bicycle racing. What kind of bike you can ride, wheel size, handlebars, frames. When you can take a feed, when you can’t. No drafting during at time trail. Centerline violations. The list goes on and on. Drugs are part of the rules.

    That’s how sports work.

  21. If VS. w/ messrs Roll, Sherwin, Ligget et al, don’t address this latest transgression head on, it will not only be disappointing & insulting, it will also be a wasted opportunity.

    Unlike any other cycling event, a lot of ‘regular’ folks tune in to the Tour broadcasts. Maybe it’s the Lance legacy, whatever, but it happens. People want to talk Tour when they see you’re a cyclist.

    There is a great collective cycling intelligence amongst these gentlemen, so hopefully they’ll see the need to step up & try to add some poignant understanding to a woeful situation.

  22. All I can say if he is inoccent it is sad it happend. If he is guilty he is a FUCKER. There were clean riders that would have liked to win that stage.