Rider Down: Jeff Bates

This weekend will find me sitting in an airplane for 11 hours as I head to Ireland for this year’s instalment of Single Speed Worlds. This will be my 4th SSWC and my first one in a foreign country. I have made some great friends and memories at these events in years past. In Pennsylvania we raced through an angry bee hive on killer trails, and it’s where I met Garro We then proceeded to cover the street with grease and set it on fire (it’s a great story). In Napa we drank wine like water and I somehow ended up racing in nothing but a DC jersey and a pair of tightywhitey underwear. In Durango…well, that was just a blur. But I look like I am having a really great time in all the pictures.

Some of  the  people I have met stick out more than others. In Napa I was absorbed into a crew of great people from Salt Lake courtesy of my old friend Dirty Dan. That’s right,  his name is Dirty too (birds of a feather…).  Beers were emptied, hamburgers were grilled, and shit was talked. It came up in conversation that my buddy didn’t have a bike to ride in the race, he just came to hang out. This guy Jeff says he has an extra bike that he can use, a custom Pereira. We had only known each other for about 2 hours. The Kanuk raced the wheels off of that borrowed bike and had a great day with us on the trails. All thanks to the generosity of a stranger.

Over the years I have kept in contact with some of that crew via the facebooks and the 6 degrees of drunkcylist. Come to find out, that day when I first met Jeff he was kicking the shit out of cancer. I had no idea. Now it seems that the fucker cancer is trying to get the upper hand. His friends have come together in a big way to help raise funds and support for Jeff and his family. The other day was no exception when I got a one line email from Mike.

Give Bates some positive vibes… he is in the pain cave.

Let us use this page, right here, to send those positive vibes over to Jeff. Chances are that you don’t know him but you are related. We are all brothers and sisters here and we have a rider down. Right now, he is deep in the pain cave and fighting like hell to get back on the group. Let’s give him a wheel and pull him back up. If you have never commented before, this would be a good time.

shredding SSWC08
shredding SSWC08

You’ve got this, hombre. Keep fighting because we are going to keep cheering. We’ve got your back.

About dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Currently in Carbondale, CO Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

79 Replies to “Rider Down: Jeff Bates”

  1. 51 people took the time out of their lives to write something here. That is really awesome, guys
    I’m so proud to be a part of this DC family.
    thanks for all your support guys.

  2. I don’t like diverting from the subject at hand but I gotta ask…


    “I’m so proud to beer a part of this DC family.”

    Beer ?

    That some deep down Freudian slip or did you mean that ?

    Either way I’m cracking up.

  3. give ‘er yo – I’ve been at death’s door & am here to tell the tale.

    PS – the chicken grease fire skidding on the flaming brittany spears lifesize cutout was super fun!

  4. This is jeff’s wife, and I just wanted to thank you all for your kind wishes and thoughts. We wouldn’t have gotten this far without the help and love of our friends, whether we’ve met you before or not. We are incredibly proud of the Master and the fight he’s put up. Go for a ride today on his behalf…

  5. M your as strong as anyone I know, everything will be ok in the end. You and H have the tribe on his sides. Love and see you guys soon.

  6. Today my mileage was for you. Like some said before me, “been at death’s door” myself. I am still here and still spinning the cranks. Attitude is everything. I know you got that. Nothing but love for ya baby!

  7. F cancer. My step-dad died of leukemia last year and my mom was diagnosed (and beat) breast cancer last year as well. Cancer is a beast. Kick it in the nuts, Mr. Bates. You CAN win. My next ride’s for ya. Give it hell.

  8. I went on my first mountain bike ride with Jeff, and the story about him loaning his one-of-a-kind custom bike to a complete stranger is a typical example of Jeff’s kindness and all around stand up guy attitude. He’s an example to us as a rider, a husband, and a father, but the courage he’s shown in his battle with cancer has been an inspiration to all of us who know him and to many who’ve never met him. Hang in there Jeff.

  9. Jeffe, sending good vibes and pullin’ for you! You are an inspiration to all of us here in SLC and at BC.com.

  10. Jeff is truly one of the greatest kinds of people you would ever want to know. He introduced me to my wife and encouraged me to start building bikes. He fucking rips shit up on a bike. I love you buddy.

  11. I think Jeff might have loaned me that same Pereira for the 2008 24 Hours of Moab after I broke my frame a couple weeks before the race. Positive vibes to you Brother

  12. Hey y’all….Jeff passed last night. Hoist one, go for a killer ride, whatever you wanna do….just give one good last thought to Jeff and his family.

    All y’all in the DC family have been killer with all the great support for our dear friend.


  13. …ah, jeez…

    …i never met the man & i’m crying…after all the things i read here by you folks who knew & loved the man, i’m fucking crying…

    …my heart goes out to all the family & friends…jeff sounded like the kind of person we could all to aspire to being…

    …much love, bgw…

  14. I don’t have the words.

    I’m going to take the kids next door out for ice cream or something.

  15. Pingback: Jeff Bates | Drunkcyclist.com

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