It had been three or four days of very light riding and ‘off bike’ time for me due to an incredible knee pain and getting over a nasty cold that my friend brought back from Mexico City. I needed a good day on the bike, so I cruised down to SoDope to the bowels of industrial Seattle, where essential parts counters speak of the lesser known sources of things.
On the way out, as I cornered hard onto 14th, there was a patch of water I didn’t see+my front tire sucks. I went down on my left side right in front of an SPD cruiser. I would thank this one for not bothering me as it was one of those times I had a wool hat on instead of my helmet. I got up with my thumb in the air and proceeded South. I don’t mind going deep when I have an industrial errand. This place featured a rarity, like $5 six packs of good beer:

It’s not the choicest place to ride, but SoDo only is a problem when there’s a game, and yesterday there was not. There were, however, obstacles here and there.
This one pictured below was easy to get around. I enjoyed the car free stretch, as short as it was.

On a normal day, this ride would be the high point of it. Sad. The highlights of my day came later, after I had met Dan and Mikey at a common landmark and proceeded to do some climbing. Overlooking the city from Queen Anne, we made a decision to go back down town instead of the original plan to hit up Freemont Brewing Co. and Naked City. It was there we were to form up with a weekly ride called the Point 83. It was a good turnout; about 20 people.

At a social pace we took the road North out of downtown and across the Freemont Bridge. It was a gaggle-fuck at times, and a pace-line at others. Shortly thereafter, we were stopped in front of an apartment building as the group were shouting for one of their friends, Lee, to come out and ride.
I could only dream of being this popular. What a charmed life. We rode up Phinney Ridge to a small pub and proceeded to fill the place with cyclists. Someone at the bar exclaimed: “They’re all on bikes!”
Mikey was on top of business as he had a pitcher in hand, showing some degree of admirable assertion at this rapid obtainment. Moving on, the gang proceeded to the University District and QFC where plastic wrapped firewood was bought, and more alcohol.

Then we ripped through Ravenna’s beautiful park system and to a firepit that I’d never been to. There were bottle rockets lit and fired off with little warning and even less direction.

Today was the day they took Fourloko off of the shelves. I applaud this move, yet think that it’s not going to change anything. There was talk of people having filled their closets with the shit before the ban came into effect. Silly indeed.
There was banter and joy, warmth and comraderie. I found myself leaving a typical University pub after drinking two Tecates that I should not have, at 2:00 AM, with 10th avenue empty on a wavering, yawn filled climb.
It is a shame that it took so long to find it, but this group, the Point 83, IS THE DRUNK CYCLIST CREW in Seattle. Make no mistake. I hadn’t felt this way about a biking group in years. No snobs. Plenty of bike geekery on display. One of the guys said magnanimously, as we rode together, what they are about:
“We get drunk, ride around, and cock block cars.” Hell fucking yeah.
Nice big pictures.
I got a group like that. FIrst friday rides around the city (Harrisburg, PA) on the Green (brown) Belt. Good times indeed. 2am Zaa at Mercado’s.
Look me up if you’re in town at the beginning of the month. ;)
Reminds me… .stock up on Four Loko.
“We get drunk, ride around, and cock block cyclists.” Hell fucking yeah.
Yep. Just as I thought. It’s immature either way.
You know, TripleF, your comment goes a little further than stating the obvious, it’s one more brick in the piss stained wall of your negativity… Yep, the one that you’re working so hard on. There’s nothing in this world I can write or post that you won’t have something shitty to say about. You must be very, very unhappy. Hey, you offer your analysis of me all the time. Assumptions are ugly, aren’t they?
Please don’t try to escalate this and/or start a shit storm. This time, I’ll zap it. It’s the only weapon we have against the continual barrage of well, you know, this kind of shit. Tired of it.
I mean to say: No fucking shit it’s immature.
Wow. Turned it into someone else’s fault in 5 comments… Let it be a post about a fun time had without having to defend every little thing.
Well LatrineJar,
I agree with TripleF.
& before you start, I’m a very positive person.
Other then my military service, (seeing real combat, you wouldn’t know anything about that), I’ve had a great life.
Got a family that I love, got a great job earning shit loads of money, (you wouldn’t know anything about that), got a man cave of a garage with currently 7 bikes in it, including two extremely rare Bauer Softrides with the Allsop beams, one even has Rockshock Ruby suspension forks.
And next weekend I’m down in Taupo for the Woodstock of cycling, the Cycle challenge , estimated 10,000 participants.
profile of the course is here:
download the course profile for the Solo and Endurance events here
And yeah, I grow all my own vegetables, use the car only if the trip is longer than 10 KMs, use buses for longer.
Plus I live in one of the greatest places on earth, New Zealand.
I’m content with myself.
Life does not get any better.
So yeah, Fuck you LatrineJar.
Oh Hurben, you’re so much better than me, in my small world and few friends. Where do I send the coupon for a free blow job?
Well frankly I’d suggest some form of yoga so that you can do it to yourself because no one else is going to. Bonn appetite
Wow, you are a really dumb and arrogant ass. If you were content with yourself, you wouldn’t find so much bla fuck bla to say about yourself, especially to someone as worthless and loser-like as me.
You go off and say how much shit you have, how great you are, as though I need to know what bikes you have, and that you’re *rich* and end it with Fuck You and an insult. Seriously? Now you’re suggesting yoga.
No LJ, I’m suggesting therapy
The Gnome considers removal of comments all together.
The Hurben considers the lifting of a middle digit.
AKA ‘the finger” to be clear.
Which raises a question, & I address it to the God Father of this site, Big Jonny.
Gnome has just threatened censorship; I find this offensive & do not get me started about the whole Freedom of speech shit.
Therefore what is the List Gods stance on this?
…to be honest, i can fully understand hurben’s frustration in dealing with picklejar ‘cuz hurben, myself & several others have posed serious questions based on the rants that he throws out & the only real reply we ever receive is defensive posturing, oft times childish, rather than anything substantial…
…we, all of us, say things at times without fully thinking of the circumstances beyond ourselves or understanding the consequences but i’d suggest we’ve typically seen a proliferation of that in lj’s posts…thus the constant controversy…ire is continually drawn amongst the regulars because whatever the criteria for his response, it’s extremely selective & beyond that, he defines it as everyone else’s fault, followed by a large helping of “fuck you”…
…i saw hurben’s listing of the positives in his life to be a reciprocal & fully understandable portion of “in your face, back at ‘cha, you fuck” for transgressions past & present…
…lj’s #9 comment, despite it’s initial defensive edge actually got quite comical but whether he knew it or not, it was obviously designed to draw a response & indeed it did…in turn, hurben’s #10 comment, despite it’s ‘edge’ was even more comical & therein lies the crux…
…lj has the need to ‘play the game’ but he can’t stand being ‘bested’…because of that, witness his #11 comment…back to being serious & seriously defensive because things are once again, all too real…guy is locked in, hardwired to that mode…
…all i can say, hurben, is don’t lose your edge dealing with this guy…he ain’t gonna address too many personal issues any time soon…
…as far as hurben himself, i know for a fact that this ‘cycling challenge’ he’s got coming up isn’t just a fun little bicycle romp with 10,000 friends…guy is working to raise funding through the event which in turn goes to little ones, kids with serious heart problems…that, in my book is riding the bike while doing something worthwhile…but then again, i’m a heart patient so i would see it that way…
Hey, look at that. The comments are back on. Will wonders ever cease?
the sparkyfeller considers cantwealljustgetalong
Sounds like point 83 has shit figured out. iIce one!
Secondly. I would like to congratulate Hurben on his chest thumping in #8. But not pointing out that your dad can beat up Littlejar’s dad is the obvious omission. close but no cigar.
…@ barry…reference my last comment & decrease your ‘duh’ factor…
…just sayin’…
…“We get drunk, ride around, and cock block cars.”…welcome to what critical mass became years ago for too many people…those guy are now just doing it on a smaller scale…
…but “Hell fucking yeah.”, littlejar…you finally found some friends…that’s gotta be healthy…
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Jesus Titty Fucking Christ.
I’m sorry I said anything.
Wait. No I’m not.
Life is a Tango. LJ doesn’t understand that.
I was just trying to explain to him.
And of course a soon-to-be Lawyer would shoot that down.
Preparing for that big-time Corporate job eh BJ ?
Good for you. You got kids to worry about.
This site is just a place for a bunch of drunk cyclist, or “trying to be a former” drunk cyclist, to meet and BS and have fun.
Means nothing at the end of the day.
But then again it does.
LJ interferes with that more than the First Amendment.
The First pulls us all up. He just drags us all down.
LJ needs to go.
Just saying…
it took me a while to figure out what was going on. rock on!
FFF says LJ is immature on #4 and LJ flys off the handle. comments erupt.
big fucking deal LJ. so he says your are immature. who cares. WHO CARES? no one. you need to do what i started doing and IGNORE the stupid and negative comments that show up when you post. they don’t deserve a response. harden up LJ, if ‘immature’ was the worst thing i had been called on this site, i’d be pretty psyched.
“We are not a state actor. Therefore we are not infringing upon anyone’s rights by turning off the comment section.”
You’re applying the Constitution to a dumb-ass web site that caters to drunks ?
So it’s true.
The First act of Law School is the removal of a soul.
Hell yea.
I’ve called myself worse.
Sticks and stones…..
climbing Queen Anne hill was a trip because we rode right past the house I lived in back in ’93-’94. I had never seen the trail sections through Woodland and Ravenna Parks, it was pitch dark, soft and wet, so I just kept my weight back and guessed at the line. Watching those Point 83 kids drinking beer, smoking herb and shooting off fireworks around an illicit camp fire in a public park in a rich neighborhood under light rain just warmed the cockles of my heart.
Christ, you should hear the epithets that are hurled at me by post-adolescent sister-shagging hicktown pigfuckers sitting in the doorwars of vacant buildings, just because I want to ride a bike on the potholed streets of this stagnant little cesspool of inbreeding. I should take offense at what another cyclist, and a drunk one yet, says on the intard webnet site? Please. Like FFF said, I’m just here to “…BS and have fun…”. judi says “…who cares? WHO CARES?” Precisely. Maybe we don’t always agree on politics or whatever other petty shit. And wouldn’t life be dull if we did? Alls I knows is I like bikes. I like other folks that likes bikes. I like shooting the shit with ’em about nearly anything. And I still know for a fact if I ever get together with any of yinz for a ride and a drink or a DRINK AND A RIDE OR A DRINK AND A RIDE AND A DRINK AND A RIDE AND A DRINK, it’d be a hoot. And if it’s on my home trails, I hope you can stay for supper.
Over and out.
@joetheelectrician: Hell fucking yeah. Let’s take it one step further, a big fat meet and greet party for all the DC folks out there! I bet we’re all nicer in person anyhow.
Here’s my position on the whole thing:
I’ve been asked to stay on as a Drunkcyclist contributor. The contributors like my work. It is work. It’s not hard work, but *some* effort is made in putting together a post. I do it for a few reasons.
Reason #1: To contribute to the content of and to promote it.
Reason #2: To share a little bit of my life with anyone willing to read.
Reason #3: It makes me happy to be part of a ‘cool’ website.
Here’s what happens. No matter what I write, three or five of you literally ‘gang up’ on me and criticize, find fault, and bring up shit that is a year old… like the fight Joe the E and I had, and I said some stupid shit, or some code you hold dear that I violated… Get a life and get over it, will ya?
I even was recently criticized for reporting the words of someone else verbatim! And then having enthusiasm for it – how dare I?
I run into some real jackass shit. The list that Hurben provided were not positive things – they were ego stroking “I have this and I have that” kind of talk. I don’t care what you own. No one on this site does. What you are saying is: You are insecure and need to prove something. That is so obvious and I should have said ZIP in response.
I feel that I usually counter this harassment with complete sentences and reason. Yet, you act as though you are capable of providing a ‘diagnosis’ of my ‘psychosis’ and ‘alcholism’ or whatever it is you want to imagine that I am. Is there any god-damned merit in picking at me, over and over, day after day, every time I make a post? Is there? I’m not on this site to please everybody. I’m not reporting from a stance of maturity and refinement. If that was what was about, I’d be conforming to that standard. I notice that Gnome rarely gets any shit, and Big Jonny almost NEVER does. The guys that post about nature and rides and videos rarely get any flack. Judi gets picked on. I get picked on. Bikes gone wild – you over analyze EVERYTHING. Joe Electrician – you’ve proven you have NO class. TripleF – you’re clueless, and that’s obvious. There are good and evil lawyers, and only lawyers can fight lawyers. You don’t have the faintest clue of the legal system, or my life, or anyone on this site you don’t know intimately. So the obvious thing is to just say something decent and real, encouraging and thoughtful, or say NOTHING.
What you negative, prick-like personages are doing is hiding behind the screen of text, because some of the stuff you have WRITTEN to me, if you said in front of my face, would be very very different. I’d have used my pedal wrench upon skull tissue. You don’t go around in public calling people names and prodding at them until they break. So why do it here? Because you can get away with it? Tell me… is that maturity?
I have one more thing to say, and it is directed at one Hurben, yet publicly stated. To make myself clear:
My position and what I own, where I work, who I fuck… all does not mean a god-damned thing. I didn’t buy my way to being a DC contributor.
Back to the worthiness of my ‘military service’ and other status questions. I am, yes, I claim to be a member of ‘the warrior class’
I was not asked to go into armed combat. If I were asked, I would have. After all, they have it set up so that you don’t have a choice. Like any other GI, I would have gone to war for my fellow squadron members, men (mostly) that I sweated, bled, and busted ass with.
Working on combat aircraft behind the scenes is not a fucking cake-walk, bro. Try sticking your head into an exhaust of a turbofan engine when the ambient temperature is 110F. Inspection. Ordered. Try holding a 60/40 wrench with your finger-tips with your head stuffed into a small corner of the nose gear for 12 fucking hours… and doing it because of ‘rotating CANN status’ – an absolute FUBAR reason.
Many a time I would have traded my deck of cards for a boonies patrol. You fail to see – it’s all the same. Teeth and tail. Get it?
At the heart of it all – I’m willing to die for a cause, for what I believe in. If born in a different time, I’d duel. I have integrity, and that’s what matters. No combat medals. So fucking what.
I sure am glad, though, that I am alive today and am not one of the war dead. I’m glad I didn’t die for a cause I do not believe it. Make no mistake, there will be no bed death for me. I’ll either be on a roof, in a field working, with a hammer or a spade in my hand, or I’ll be mounted on a bicycle, or otherwise having boots upon my feet when my time comes. Make no mistake, you’re not better than me with your status, security, money or combat experience. It means very little NOW.
I cannot make you understand or respect me. I can only ask for you to pay enough attention to the prevalent idea that goes as such:
“If you have nothing productive to say, say nothing.”
Oh dear, Oh dear LJ,
I really shouldn’t keep this pot boiling but you have called me out by name.
Sorry to disappoint you but no, I’m one of the happiest & most secure people you’ll never meet.
Threatening violence, yes that’s mature.
And finally to clear things up, I was not asked to go into armed combat either, I was TOLD to go, the alternative was a lengthy period in Jail. Conscription, heard of it ? Yes, 17 & a half years old, straight out of High School & I’m running around Northern Namibia with a FN SLR in my hands, shitting myself, there’s nothing Glorious or Noble about combat.
So I throw this out to the list in general, Where were you at 17 & a half years old ?
Fuck both of you.
Sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up and start acting like grownups.
Jesus, there’s more sand in vaginas here than spring break in Cabo.
Littlejar, BJ gave me a tip a loooong time ago. Don’t even read the fucking comments. People like Hurben, et. al. will get under your skin quicker than athletes foot gets passed around a locker room. Just walk away, and fucking forget the idiots.
Hurben, same goes for you. Let it die. You keep pissing on him, he’ll keep pissing back and then we all get soaked.
It IS Jonny’s website. if he wants to stop commenting altogether, he can. He’s the fucking owner. You’re in a bar taking a shit ON the bar, you think the bartender is gonna let you sit back down and order another round?
Fuck you for thinking First Amendment means he can’t run HIS site as HE pleases. He pays the bills, he can do what he wants. Don’t like it? GO SOMEWHERE ELSE !
I’d be all for shutting it down for the next 3 months to clear all the shit out. People forget quite quickly how awesome this site can be, and instead get into internet pissing contests.
Jesus titty fucking christ.
I did not ever mention ‘First Amendment’.
I mentioned ‘Censorship’, i.e deleting comments you don’t agree with.
My country operates under a different model to yours, the British Westminster System, heard of it ?
Your First, second or whatever Amendments mean very little to me.
But no disrespect for them either.
@Bike punk – you said what you wanted to say, and I said what I wanted to say. But did you have to turn this into Craigslist Rant+Rave section, and bring it to the blog? Come on, man. That ain’t doing it.
@Hurben – Sorry to hear that you were a child soldier, basically. If you are indeed a happy man today, it was not that period of time that made you who you are. I write posts that are about stuff that I observe – today, here, now, where I go on my bike. Share what you want in the comments, butou can man up and quit making it about YOU. You could also cut way back on the flippant insults. Just try it.
Bike punk – Though someone else started this conversation, your recent post is an abuse of the role you have as contributor. There’s no merit to bringing the ‘flame war’ to that level. You’re basically making a grand ass out of yourself by making a grand announcement that has no positivity to it or value. It surely isn’t bringing cool people to the site to check it out. Lowering the bar, and being callous.
If you have sense, you’d delete it.
So what is the point of turning off the comments, yet allowing comments to continue through a little link on this most ugly thread of comments?
I question the validity of this ‘act’ though I agree entirely that discretion rests with Big Jonny. He has not been a harsh owner, and allowed this site to go where it will.
It’s in the toilet with this bullshit. I don’t think anyone is happy about it. I don’t agree, Mr. Punk, that my words are equally wrong to those of the so called ‘idiots’ TripleF started the negativity rolling. Hurben took it and ran to the 100yd line. I opened my mouth about it.
Tomorrow morning I’m going to delete every fucking comment on this post, and start fresh. I’m going to ask that you simply delete yours. You put my name in a title and then said “Fuck You” – is this supposed to be a solution? I think I’ve been really reasonable. I don’t deserve it. You’re a dick for doing that!