Reaching The Villages
Trash middens and catholic swagger, which will last forever more, the plastic or the guilt? Enough lifetimes will never wander this far to see this Continue reading Reaching The Villages
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Trash middens and catholic swagger, which will last forever more, the plastic or the guilt? Enough lifetimes will never wander this far to see this Continue reading Reaching The Villages
So that was it, in an excerpted form. After 20 blog posts I have pretty much summed up my Baja tour in an easy’ish to Continue reading Baja The End (But Not Really)
The grind continued. I feel like I slowed down. At least in the mornings rolling out of my bag. I again packed up, this time Continue reading La Purisma, San Javier, San Isidro, the Comundu Municipality…
The span from San Ignacio to Mulege was 5+ days including a stop in San Juanico Continue reading FFWD: Mulege
When I arrived in San Ignacio I arrived to a begining – or a continuance since BdLA – of relief. I had held onto what Continue reading San Ignacio por un Siesta
I met up with Brian Miracle again in San Ignacio. It was a slough from Vizcaino to get there, same as all the other days Continue reading Vizcaino to San Ignacio
One by one, after a 50+ mile day climbing out of the Bahia de los Angeles, the dogs said hello. It was rad. Each just Continue reading The Dogs of Piedra Blanca
I would cross paths with Miron Golfman in Mulege, where we would share a boat ride across the bay of Concepcíon. We split a room Continue reading Ride to Endure: Miron Golfman’s FKT of the Baja Divide
This one’s a little rough but that is poignant because leaving Bahia was a little rough. If anything, Bahia was a place to stay. As Continue reading Escape from the Bay of L.A.
It was four days perhaps. Catavina to Santa Rosaliíta to Bahia de los Angeles. This is reported as the most significant span without services as Continue reading Catavina to Bahia de los Angeles
How did it feel riding into the Cirio (Boogum) forest of Cataviña? Strange. It propelled me into my inner child solar plexus because exactly of Continue reading The Cirio Boojum Forest by Feel
At the end of a days ride from San Ignacio across coastal playas, I arrived at a village on the pacific coast far removed from Continue reading The Fishing Village of El DatÍl