Sedona. Bitches.
Now that it is warm and Spring-like here in Flagstaff, snow is melting and there is so much mud it is time to drive to Continue reading Sedona. Bitches.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Now that it is warm and Spring-like here in Flagstaff, snow is melting and there is so much mud it is time to drive to Continue reading Sedona. Bitches.
Our friends over at Epic Rides are doing it again! I know we talk about them a lot over here, but we just can’t help Continue reading South Africa via Prescott?
Being stuck at work when Cross Nats is going on next door is like having a white head that won’t pop. You’re so close to Continue reading CX Nats Roundup
The weather here has been gorgeous. No shoe covers or balaclava necessary. I am talking about 50+ degree temps and full on sunshine! I gotta Continue reading Motivation to Ride
I am going to have to agree with what my buddy LittleBun said when he showed me this video: “Holy shit sauce!” [youtube][/youtube]
Reason to celebrate: new bike goodies. Reason number 1 to ride: lost my job so I have a lot of free time now. Reason number Continue reading Brain Bucket and the Contents Therein.
Sitting behind this desk. I can’t leave for 8 hours. The weather outside is perfect and I think I might be dying a little bit. This helps… Continue reading Get Some.
I go by Cupcake and I like to party. In my past life, I was the German poet famous for writing the Nibelungenlied. I like to Continue reading Eat this cupcake.
I haven’t been keeping up with anything related to women’s racing but I had to share this, since Dirty Biker was kind enough to bring Continue reading “Pat McQuaid is a dick.”
I shit my brains out and smoked a ton of bowls to get this issue figured out. At first I was gonna point my finger Continue reading Super Freak Workout Geek
This should just about wrap up most of the content from my fatbike trip down to Mexico. Although I have been known to take off Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty:Through the Lens
Anyone who has been in the bush searching for Charlie for any length of time knows the scenario: Big car. Little bike. Little chance. But Continue reading Buzzed