The Riddle
If you’re a DC Facebook fan, you may have seen the question of the day today. For those of you who aren’t savvy enough with Continue reading The Riddle
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
If you’re a DC Facebook fan, you may have seen the question of the day today. For those of you who aren’t savvy enough with Continue reading The Riddle
I rode my CX bike yesterday for the first time since last November. I thought I should probably test out the bike since I am Continue reading CX season is here, tomorrow I race.
Had me a pretty good bike week last week…which is to say, I rode. I got out on the mountain bike twice while the weather Continue reading A Convert to the Squish
As a general rule, I try not to do too much bitching about the industry, since I have, technically, been a part of it and Continue reading Hey Industry, I’m Talking To You!
Tucson Bike Swap website. For the price of a needed radiator, a frame jig will be for sale one day only at Gaba Bike Swap Continue reading Bike swap cometh – frame jig up for grabs
Right on Main Avenue, near the train tracks and the Western edge of the Dunbar Spring neighborhood, is a building housing Jimbo, a cyclist woodworker, Continue reading My neighborhood framebuilder: Ed of LaSuprema Bicycles
Welcome to This Old Bike. Today on This Old bike, some unsettling news from Seattle: Mother Katie’s kid-towing, hill crushing bike has been stolen. “This Continue reading Today is my birthday, and I found out…. damn it all to… Another episode of…
I’m sitting square in the middle of my third winter well south of the snow line. I’d be lying if I said I missed it. Continue reading Zip Zag
This morning I woke up at 6am, coughing. I layed in bed, holding my pee, and coughing. I was hoping I could lay in bed Continue reading “What’s Judi mad about this week?”
This weekend rediscovered the joys of being off the bike, and Sunday was perfect. I have since Saturday been deep in the finer side of Continue reading Can a dog figure out the umbrella?
My view – notice not from the right side but from the center of the lane. I’m moving very fast. I think that the most Continue reading My view
This should just about wrap up my take on Interbike 2010. Give it a read, then we can get back to shit-talking dopers, riding, and drinking. Continue reading One for the road.