Silver what?

I don’t know anything about the Silverdome and I’m definitely not going to take any time out of my day to Google it… But I Continue reading Silver what?
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
I don’t know anything about the Silverdome and I’m definitely not going to take any time out of my day to Google it… But I Continue reading Silver what?
Raw I’m gonna give it to you, with no trivia. [youtube][/youtube] Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia No time lapse. No music. No slow motion. Continue reading Raw I’m gonna give it to you, with no trivia
Summer is upon us once again here in the desert, and that means the door is quickly closing on those all-day backcountry rides for a Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: Reap what you sow
The fine folks at Mountain Bike Radio let us babble and slur on their site for the DC podcast yet again! In this episode, Cosmo Catalano Continue reading The BUI podcast with Cyclocosm
I tried to take a bite out of Prescott, and Prescott bit me back. Lesson learned. Continue reading Three for the road
Got this today from Allan down in Georgia. Unfortunately this is all too common. Fortunately, more of us cyclists are starting to film these things. Continue reading There Will Never Not Be Assholes
We bike folk are a kinky bunch because this was the most satisfy spanking I’ve ever received. Continue reading Guest Post: B-Hard goes through the grinder
It’s pretty cool to see my home turf in video circulating the interwebs today. Especially when the riders in the video are Geoff Gulevich and Continue reading Home Zone
I have been in a rut for a few years, and I know it. I do similar things with similar people without looking much outside Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: Try new things
My friend dan (or somecallme_danimal) likes to send us over words from time to time. Chances are those words are pretty entertaining and I like to share them Continue reading Guest post: Your Commute Sucks.
We all do it at one point or another. We play some kind of game with ourselves while we are on the bike. Match your Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: The No Brake Challenge
If rad videos are like Easter eggs, I just found a whole bunch of ’em. Here is a little collection of internet gems I stumbled Continue reading Easter Video Dump