Spring riding in Flagstaff
Had a tasty 30+ mile MTB ride here in Flag the other day. Would have made it longer but to quote my friend The M.A.F.E. Continue reading Spring riding in Flagstaff
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Had a tasty 30+ mile MTB ride here in Flag the other day. Would have made it longer but to quote my friend The M.A.F.E. Continue reading Spring riding in Flagstaff
I made the trip to Minneapolis last week for Frostbike with AC and The M.A.F.E. to get some learn on and check out the QBP Continue reading Frostbike 2012
I was fortunate to get invited to Test some bikes with Paintrain, LB, Aaron and Jen from Outside mag for a few days this past Continue reading Testing Tucson
Now that it is warm and Spring-like here in Flagstaff, snow is melting and there is so much mud it is time to drive to Continue reading Sedona. Bitches.
Don’t know how many people on this site will really appreciate this but I am pretty stoked on one of our new bikes here at Continue reading Curiosity made me smile