Tuesdays with Dirty: I went to Singlespeed USA and all I got was everything.

Singlespeed USA is a party celebrating everything singlespeed. Organizational duties get passed around to different folks and it happens in a different location every year. I don’t make it to all of them, but when I do, I don’t regret it. The 2024 edition was no exception. I didn’t make it to Decorah, Kansas City, or Maine due to travel logistics and my horribly busy schedule the past few years. But when I heard it was happening in Salida, CO for 2024, I really had no excuse. Since I have been spending my summers in southwest Colorado anyway, it’s a relatively quick jaunt over the mountains. Salida knows how to bike party and the folks in charge of putting it on really know how to singlespeed party. So it was written.

I approached the weekend a little differently than a normal destination event, I am quite familiar with the trails there and didn’t feel the need to cram in as much riding as possible exploring a new zone. Which, to be honest, felt a little odd. But I went with the flow and I’m glad I did.

Thursday night arrival found the campground almost full and a whole lot more amazing people were en route, arriving in the next few hours. Beers and bro hugs went deep into the night. There are no words that can be typed to describe the feeling of seeing so many amazing people in one evening. Each person with their own sets of imprinted memories in my life. I went to bed with a giant smile on my face.

Friday came with a picture perfect Colorado fall day. In keeping with my chill theme, when everyone else went to ride, I decided to spend the day fishing in the Arkansas River which passed right through the campground. I had a wonderful afternoon standing in the river, listening to tunes, and chasing fish around. At sunset, I finally rallied and pedaled into town town. The pre-party was in full swing and I had some catching up to do. BK and MW laid out the events for the ride, bike piles were made, and Scandinavian Jesus passed around a jack-o-lantern with a bag of wine in it. Typical singlespeed shit.

Details are fuzzy but I know I went to bed, for the second night in a row, with a big ‘ol smile on my face.

Saturday morning came really quick and it was time to ride. A few friends and I had a plan to start with everyone then deviate a little and do our own thing. Ya see, my buddy Danny and I used to shred two wheeled bikes a lot together. Then life happened (as it does) and now he is shredding the fuck out of three wheels. Not much has changed over the years other than off-camber trails and trees too close together suck a little more.This is a singlespeed event after all, there ain’t many rules. Come as you are, all are welcome, run what you brung. So, we were gonna fuck this day up however we damn well pleased.

It was another perfect mountain morning, and as the sun got a little higher in the sky, the crowds gathered in front of Subculture bike shop. After everyone’s favorite mountain biking patriot sang the national anthem (a capella), we were turned loose into the hills.

We started with the main crowd and made it to the first aid station. Where the queen of Oveja Negra was handing out free haircuts and popsicles.

From there, the course went down a trail we knew would be a little too narrow and squirrely for three wheels, so our little posse set off to find an alternate route to the next aid station. We succeeded in finding enough spicy trail and steep climbs to keep it interesting.

We eventually arrived at Paul’s oasis at the same time all our homies did, and we stayed there for quite a while. Bacon, beers…box wine. What more do ya need in the middle of a field of sagebrush.

When I say we stayed there a long time, I mean we were there for hours. I saw all the friends. We laughed, we told stories, and we cut the sleeves off of people’s shirts. It was great. I knew the trail system we were heading to next and I really wasn’t feeling it. But there was talk of another aid station and feats of skill back in town, so that’s where we headed. Our little posse had gained a few other like-minded folks and we laughed our whole way back into town. When we arrived on the scene, we found ourself in the town lumberyard with coolers of beer and a bunch of wooden stunts. What could go wrong! Stunts were stunted and more laughs were had.

This is where my wheels started to fall off and details are foggy. But my camera remembered some things for me. I know I got a tattoo at one point and it’s the same as Karl and MW, now we are cute BFFs like that.

This all happened back in October and I’m typing this now only days away from Singlespeed Arizona. Which is shaping up to be yet another amazing friend family reunion. After a weird summer filled with annoying injuries and some serious family shit, it was so nice to cut loose a little and ride bikes with amazing people. I had a little headache on the drive home to my side of the mountains, but what I really noticed was the soreness in my cheeks from smiling and laughing so much. Goddamn it was a good time. SSUSA2025 is in Chico, CA is on Halloween Weekend and I’ve already submitted my time off request. I can’t wait to see you all there.

*There is one bummer thing I would like to address. Friday night, before the big ride, there was an incident. Most of us were staying at this amazing campground down by the river, and even though it was the off season, our hosts were kind enough to open their on-premise bar. It was a real treat. Some dipshit thought it was a good idea to get liquored up and fight(try) the bartender. I don’t really give a fuck about the details and I don’t speak for everyone, but to put it simply: We don’t do that here. This is a gathering of misfits and degenerates from all over. We are an eclectic group of construction workers, computer programmers, business people, frame builders, garbage men, architects…you name it and there is probably somebody who does it in the crowd. We are all part of this community not because of where we have come from, but because of where we are at. These gatherings are a safe place where everyone can cut loose, relax and just Be without the daily stress and bullshit we deal with on a regular basis. We already know we are tough. Look at what the fuck we are doing? Riding a bike in the mountains, all day, always in the wrong gear. There is nothing to prove and no issue that can’t be solved with a conversation. To the person that got violent, we know who you are, we don’t hold a grudge…but you fucked up.

Keep it dirty…

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker