Whiskey on your Wheel

It’s no secret that the Whiskey Off-Road is a staple on our calendar every year. And why wouldn’t it be, just look at the name. There’s a few different ways you can enjoy this event. 1) Come to win. Be super racey and get your hurt on. And it’s not hard with 6,000’+ of climbs on the 50-Proof. 2) Come to ride. Maybe give it some stick from the start, but then reach for your flask and chill out when the demons of cramp hill find you. 3) Come to party. I mean it’s held on Whiskey Row of all places. This, I may add, is also not hard to accomplish.

My personal favorite is some combination of the last two. This year I rolled into town with a giant flask of whiskey and a camera. Could we have rode more? Yes. Could we have drank less? Of course. But that’s the thing about the Whiskey. It just kind of takes over. Despite your best intentions, whatever they may be, the Whiskey is going to do what it wants. And that’s exactly why you should come join the party in 2017.

The weekend starts with the pro women’s crit


We were totally invited.
We were totally invited.

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A local attorney and DC superfan throws this awesome party on the crit course every year.
A local attorney and DC superfan throws this awesome party on the crit course every year.
Whiskey races of yore
Whiskey races of yore

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Five beers deep is the perfect time to remove a drivetrain
Five beers deep is the perfect time to remove a drivetrain


Puttin' out the vibe
Puttin’ out the vibe
Even teachers need lessons
Even teachers need lessons


Dax reppin’ the colors in the 50-Proof SS

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It's 2-for-1 at all times in there...
It’s 2-for-1 at all times in there…

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Sara Sheets en route to 2nd place in the 50-Proof SS

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B-hard of State Bicycles brings party to Cramp Hill

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Men’s 50-Proof SS podium. Nate Miller – 1st, and Dax Massey – 4th, did us proud in the DC colors on course.
Original from Roca Roja Bicycles


Barry Wicks has a big seatpost
Barry Wicks has a big seatpost


Women's winner Rose Grant welcomes 2nd place Evelyn Dong to the finish
Women’s winner Rose Grant welcomes 2nd place Evelyn Dong to the finish


See you in Grand Junction….

About Scandinavian Jesus

There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.

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