Raw I’m gonna give it to you, with no trivia.
Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia
No time lapse. No music. No slow motion.
No scenes of driving to the trail or putting gloves on.
Just raw mountain biking.
In a time when everything is over produced and cheesy in the bicycle industry, this shit made my day.
If you need more raw doggin’… VitalMTB does a bunch of raw footage videos on the regular. Get some.
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Over produced and cheesy. Did you say Rapha?
Wu-Tang sucked. Can we get a little Hendrix in this joint.
Or even better. A little Marley.
I need those trails in my life. Rugged high mountain goodness right there.
If I tried to ride at that speed through that forest, I’d face plant & destroy so many trees GreenPeace would be after my arse.
Here, 3T, what I loved in my youth before I got thrown into the military & robed of the rest of it.
(apologies for the incredibly lame intro, the Out of Town club was a members only venue just outside Johannesburg which served Beer & Music on Sunday!! God will get them for that, drug crazed, Goddeloos engelse barbare)
Not to mention
The first song was damn good. Too drunk to listen to the last 2 songs.
Nighty nighty.
dirty hoe getting low with his flow
I simply loved it. Amazing work by these guys.
Yeah! Great video, I enjoyed a lot! Such unique and enjoyable work by these guys.