Broke off

The past year has been one hell of a ride. Things have moved so fast that it feels like my life has had a constant tailwind. I’m not complaining, but lately I have been trying to focus on staying home a little bit more, enjoying my neighborhood and home trails. I haven’t been able to find the time to write stories here about trips I took back in January or even edit video from my trip to Nepal last year.

All that talk about wanting to relax and stay home a little more jumped up and bit me in the ass this week. Because I am now sitting here typing this with one hand due to a freshly broken elbow. It has been a few years since I have been injured badly enough to take mandatory rest. I have been very fortunate. But now, as I sit here using my sling to hold my beer, I consider this the Universe’s way of telling me to “slow the fuck down”. I have no choice but to listen. new balance camo
The weekend started out harmless enough. A little campfire time in Flagstaff for an outdoor wedding.IMG_20141005_083306

Followed by a fantastic shred amongst the red rocks in Sedona with great friends.


I even caught a few hours of sleep before heading down to the dunes for a some fatbike fun with the guys from State Bike Co and their new bikes.


We even took a little detour to go jump around on some cars.


It was all great fun until the day got a little long and I decided to try a little something different. I reckon I needed to pedal about two cranks faster at this one little quarter pipe. Instead, I came up short and fell out of the sky directly on to my elbow. Three days of fun came to a screeching halt as I got dropped off at the ER to find out why my arm doesn’t work.

The doctor says six weeks of no mountain bike and maybe I can try the road bike in two. I haven’t gone six weeks without mountain biking in 18 years and I probably won’t start now. So we will play it by ear and see what happens. But my money is on 4 weeks. In the mean time, I am going to focus on the backlog of trip reports and great mini adventures that have happened since January and see how many I can get up here. Some crazy shit went down. From west Texas road trips to a bikepack around the Salton Sea, right up to my trip to Iceland last month. I look forward to sharing with y’all. new balance 996
I got a text from Big Jonny today sending his condolences for my injury:

“Damn, son. I stacked it a while back and broke my elbow. Really painful. But there was much beer drinking and one armed bike riding.”

It’s like he already knew my program.

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

57 Replies to “Broke off”

  1. Question for all….

    Is it wrong to drink a beer while you’re jerking off ??

    Just asking for a friend. I swear.

  2. The last time I commented on DC I was whining that there are no more long winded comment streams. You old timers are back at it again. Excellent job!

    @TTT You used to be Triple F and I christened you Triple T in honor of your work keeping the turtle/pothole stream going. I now rename you Triple A or Cap’n Asshole. Take your pick. You’ve earned the title.

    Also, TripleA, I ride a Gary Fisher Big Sur 26er hardtail from 2000 before those douchebags at Trek raised the price and lowered the quality. Indestructible. It’s the perfect MTB for a guy like you who has one hand on the handlebar and one hand on his pecker.

    @Fake Little Jar glad to see you’re back and stirring up the pot. Doesn’t take much to get this Black Hole of Calcutta bubbling. Just don’t fuck with the turtles.

    @Hurben Don’t bother trying to save the world. It aint worth it. Oh and when you troll it’s always a good idea not to have your moniker appear under the fake name you’re trolling with.

    @BGW Take care of your health and remember that every day above ground is a good day.

    @Dirty like the above commenters have said, take your time recovering from your injury. Think of it as some quality drinking time and an opportunity for some internet porn cruising. I’m sure that chronic masturbator, TripleA can give you some tips on sites.

    And last but not least, Joetheelectrician. Remember when you’re about to die the important thing to do is shout “Allahuakbar” even if you’re scoring an “Own goal”

  3. Good to see you back Cap’n Tony.

    I’d plead the Fifth but it doesn’t apply Downunder so in my defence, it was my first attempt at being a nony mouse on the Web as my whole life has been lived according to the ancient lore of “If you say something, be prepared to stand behind it, (even if you get punched out)”.

    Obviously I failed badly.

    But, I had a higher purpose!

    I felt that LittleJar left a large (Pot)hole in this site when he stormed off so I created Fake LittleJar with the intention that whenever someone felt that a thread was missing LittleJar, they could rectify it via Fake LittleJar.

    It’s my gift to DC because I’m like that.

  4. No Hurben you didn’t fail. You impersonated littlejar so well I wasn’t sure if it was littlejar or you commenting. Yes, you had a purpose.
    Your purpose (cue the dramatic heart rending music) was to bring this community of cyclists, drunks, losers, grumpy republicans, rebels, chronic masturbators, punks, old guys who have no clue and admit that they like Blondie on public forums (that’s you TripleA), single speed hipsters, teenagers on their stunt bikes and young hot nubile brunettes with long auburn hair back together again.

    Oh wait there are no women on here. Can someone troll DC as a member of the female species. This is too much of a sausage fest

  5. Fuck It!

    To Canadian DC, as a veteran I’m so sorry & frankly I don’t know what to say except go in Peace brother & thank you.

    And now another School shooting in America, Fuck, I am so sorry.

    People, please be careful out there & take care