Ya know, sometimes the cycling industry is so filled with bullshit I inhale manure.
It’s easy to get hung up on that bullshit, and the bullshit drivers who want to kill us, and the bullshit talkers about bullshit who feed the bullshit (sometimes that’s us).
So, occasionally it’s important to step back and remember what gets me stoked. Why the cycling world is so much fucking cooler than anything else out there. That even when things are stupid and they suck, they are stupid and they suck in a world that is so rad we’re spoiled to death even when we’re dealing with the bullshit.
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Here’s what’s getting me stoked.
1) I’ve got me a custom steel fat bike on the way. You know, cuz bikes. It’s from a rad builder that I’m going to tell you all about once the frame gets here. It’s also going to be 29+, because I wanna go on adventures.
2) I’ve got a kid on the way and a closing on a house in two weeks. You know what that means: I’ve got a garage. And garages mean home bike shops. And mini-fridges. And DC swag on the walls. That’s a lot of fuck yeah all at once.
3) I’ve had a whole summer full of this:
What’s not to be stoked about? If I’m lucky, I’ll be back in this neighborhood at the end of August for the Grand Junction Off Road; I might also be tearing up piss-smelling carpet from my new house instead, so we’ll see.
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4) What’s the best thing about the end of mountain bike season? The start of Cyclocross season, of course. Here’s an article I wrote for Cyclocross Magazine last year (Click on the photo to read it):
Now, some folks don’t dig CX. Me, I think it’s rad. Because there’s two wheels. And mud. and a lot of people like you and me who love beer and bikes. Get out there this year. Do hand-ups. Girls, flash your boobs. Guys, flash your boobs.
5) This fucking guy:
6) Views like this:
7) Views like this:
8) Sexy 40 Hands:
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9) So much radness happening in the cycling world, like
THIS. (If you’re a woman on a bike, check it. If you like women on bikes, check it.)
AND THIS. (If you live near Memphis, check it.)
AND THIS. (If you’re stoked that cycling infrastructure is actually a thing that can be achieved, check it. We ain’t there yet…)
10) Trails exist. That’s reason enough to be stoked.
Pingback: What I’m Stoked On and Why: An Essay By D2 | PEDAL CANTON
Excellent. I’d add ten more items, but here’s two:
1) yesterday I rode my bike onto a closed freeway bridge and watched the Blue Angels do an air show over the lake.
2) tomorrow the road to Hurricane Ridge is closed to cars and imma ride up it with 400 good friends. 5000′ in eighteen miles.
Hey, Mikey, in Washington I suppose?
I’d be down to rizzle ride!
@Mr. AJS—
Bellevue WA & I have peeps in Oly. Ping DC management and they can hook us up on electronic-mail.
PS— 2h 30m up, 45m down. Hurricane Ridge is the shizznit. Rubber side down.
So you ride from tidewater, up this road like 5000′ vert, and look around.
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WOW, so honored. #5 here. Was busy pounding beers and burgers at the Breck Epic last week and rolling into a podium finish ahead of my water guzzling, quinoa eating, recovery milk mustache competitors so I didn’t have time to comment here. D2, 40 hands, Legs, and the rest of the gang can hit me up for our Urban CX race or Cowboy Cross this year, we’d love to have ya’ll out for some racin’ and pacin’ . As everyone knows, you guys rock!