Friday Stoke Provided by Chris Akrigg

Chris Akrigg bringing the goods on this lovely Friday. Chill vibes and killer rides to play you into the weekend. Enjoy.


Ohh, the motha fucka said ice cream!

UntitledYep, have a good one kids.

About Cupcake

I don’t have a beer gut, I’ve developed a liquid grain storage facility.

7 Replies to “Friday Stoke Provided by Chris Akrigg”

  1. I’ve always enjoyed Chris’ videos, but I can’t help but wonder what it feels like to be “that guy who rides a mongoose.”

  2. Pingback: Friday Stoke Provided by Chris Akrigg | PEDAL CANTON

  3. Well I just got this to say about that. My ride log passed 1000 miles for the season this week, and yesterday’s 40-miler was the fastest average speed all season. And it was windy, and I climbed plenty. It rained today, so I gots me a Mirror Pond Pale Ale and I’m watching these super frickin cool GoPro videos from the Tour de Suisse. I know they pick and choose the clips to post, but DAMN do those guys haul ass.

  4. Pingback: Friday Stoke Offered by Chris Akrigg | Posts