This site was better with porn. Where is Big Jonny? Bring back the porn. You guys suck now. There isn’t enough new stuff on the site…
We hear it dozens of times per week. We get it, this web site used to have free porn along with a bunch of bike content. Now it only has bike content. But truth be told, if you have trouble finding free porn on the internet, you might have bigger problems (but click here to see how easy it is). It seems some people still read this site just to talk about the “good old days” which is totally fine. But after a while, it sounds like a bunch old men sitting around the coffee shop talking about how awesome they were in that one high school football game. Meanwhile DC keeps evolving, changing and moving forward. Thanks mostly to Cupcake’s work over on the facebook page, the DC army has grown leaps and bounds over the past year. So along with all of you that have been here longer than me, and the old complainers, we also have tens of thousands of people reading that have no idea that there used to be porn here. We even had a mutant chapter pop up in Romania! We couldn’t be more thrilled.
We do what we can when we have time to do it. If we don’t have anything to say, we don’t say it. More often that not, if nobody is posting on the site, it means that we are all too busy partying and riding our bikes to think about typing on the internets. Because, you see, DC is just a big old hobby for all of us (albeit a huge, all-consuming hobby just like playing ios games for money was before). But nobody is getting paid, nobody is paying the rent from t-shirt sales, and any cash we do make is put towards bar tabs and throwing parties at events. Sure, we could phone something in three times a week just to make content on the main page, but that’s not how we roll. Plus, you guys would see right through that and call bullshit so fast our heads would spin.
I went for a ride with Big Jonny the other day and we got to talking about all of this. We joked about how we get more emails and text messages from DC people than we do from our girlfriends/wives and family members. We also realized that BJ is 10 years old than me and that I am almost 10 years older than Cupcake. That is quite a spread and it makes for some diverse content. And we really like it that way. Everything changes, the internet evolves and web sites come and go. DC has been here a long time and we don’t plan on leaving any time soon. It might be a little different than it was 10 years ago, but it’s still DRUNKCYCLIST at the core. This shit is built to last.
We talk to each other just about every day, even though we are scattered all over the country. An ex girlfriend of mine tried to make fun of me and called it our “sewing circle”. Whatever. We are all friends here and we keep in touch to keep this whole shit show going. Lately, the guys in Colorado and Washington have been enjoying the coming of summer. Meanwhile, all us desert dwellers tried to squeeze in as much ride time as possible before the blast furnace of our summer hit last week. You will probably hear more from us now that it’s too hot to ride all day and boredom and booze have taken over.
Here is a little sample of what we have been up to:
I got out with Big Jonny for an old fashioned MTB death march. The guy still shreds.

Caveman sent me this pic the other day. Looks like he got in a fight with a brake lever and lost. At least he wore his DC socks to the hospital. You can follow his shenanigans on his Cavestagram.
Cupcake sends me a lot of pictures of sunsets and trail beers. He is such a romantic…and is incapable of riding a bicycle before 2pm
Scandinavian Jesus has been doing what he does best. Stomping the pedals and spreading joy
The Colorado boys haven’t slowed down enough to tale pictures lately. But you can follow D2 over on his D2stagram. As for myself, I have just been chillin’ in Northern Arizona a whole bunch. Sometimes you just gotta go fishing.
Keep it dirty…
@BGW: nah, you didn’t miss anything.