So I’m sitting here at Over The Edge in Sedona, drinking too many beers and draining bottles of bourbon. We got on the topic of main stream media bike tests and oddly enough there is a destructional video on just how it goes down.
Video: Super Scientific Mountain Bike Testing Methods – More Mountain Bike Videos
Lame. I liked it better when you used to post porn.
Relax man, porn is easy to find – DC weirdness not so much.
Great, all that, and I still have no idea how they determine the level of stinkbug a frame displays.
Damn. That was scientifical n’shit.
@Andrew –
Sorry you missed the memo over the past 5 years… but here is the link to all that DC porn you so dearly miss
It has always been there and never went away
there is this too:
576 MILLION search results for free porn on Google.
need Lenoskey’s tits
Dirty – that’s so sweet!!! Thank you, more of it please ; )
I liked it. Porn is overrated
Can I be friends with you guys?
Usually you guys will post a somewhat decent video, but the accompanying “music” just ruins it. This time was just the opposite-Couple of guys with too much time on their hands and too much to drink. Been there, done that, got pictures and a t-shirt. But the music on this one was such a perfect fit for the shenanigans. Today I might actually crack a smile. If I still remember how.