Wheelies are Hard.



40 Hands isn’t goot at wheelies.

I’m not either, but I had the good fortune of being behind the camera on this one.

About D2

I am a writer and a photographer. I never killed a man in Reno, but I once rode a bike through a casino in Vegas. Bikes are cool, huevos rancheros are for breakfast, whiskey is for dinner. Denver, Colorado, USA

7 Replies to “Wheelies are Hard.”

  1. Didn’t seem like Sagan had any trouble with wheelies today. Too bad he can’t figure out how to use razor to get that road kill off his face.

    Froome? The Grinch Who Stole the TDF? Liggett and Sherwin don’t even get how dumb they sound when they say stuff like “He’s 28 years old and he’s learned a lot about himself” to explain how he’s goes from riding his f’ing bike to the 7-11 in Nairobi to pumping out 70 watts more than everyone else in the hardest stages, or the vaguely familiar “look at how high is cadence is” silliness to explain him obliterating everyone on ventoux. it’s not unlike the housing market out here in phoenix “booming” again and morons taking out home equity loans again to buy the latest and greatest whatever.

    Nothing fake about his shit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbKgW-gX7SI

  2. Froome – ok, so I’m not the only one. The dude somehow loses 15-20 lbs starting at 4% body fat…yeah right (coincidentally just like Wiggins ). How do these dicks lose muscle, fat and bone mass to become more bird like? Not really that hard to figure out but whatever…freak show.

    Honestly, the GC freaks make me sick, Sagan however is a bad ass.

  3. I always go to high and fall on my ass doing wheelies.

    As a kid I was a pro. But that was like 1,000 years ago.

  4. I’m glad the comments are about the TDF. It’s a good distraction from how shitty this video is. It’s only slightly less shitty than the the last Yeti factory visit video because it’s shorter.

  5. I was at the 3km mark on the Alp du Huez yesterday. On the second ascent, right in front of me, Sagan pops a no-hands wheelie and rides it for 50 yards! 7% grade and no cameras anywhere. Baller.