As you probably saw in the post below, our main man and social media guru Cupcake, is making his way from Madison to Prescott with as many singletrack and beer stops as possible.

Yesterday he sent us all a picture with one simple line:

“I made love to the Oskar Blues canning line today”


That right there is a 19.2 ounce can of my favorite pale ale with DC printed across the bottom. I cannot express how happy, honored, and proud  this makes us here at drunkcyclist. It brings a tear to a glass eye.

Some of these DC stamped cans are being released into the wild all across the west. If you find happen to hunt one down, send us a picture, and I will send you a t-shirt.(*limited to the first three cause we ain’t made out of money!) Then go party like these knuckleheads


If this is how the week is starting, I cannot wait until we all meet up in Prescott on Friday. This is gonna be good.

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

7 Replies to “OB – DC”

  1. After his last post I suggested that Cupcake “get some”, it appears he has.

    Two thumbs up!

  2. That lot code looks like it came from a Videojet “dot spitter” inkjet marker. Really, galvanometer-steered, sealed-gas laser marking is way cooler, but it’s hard to get a good mark on bare aluminum.

  3. After finishing my ride in Dupont today I stopped by the new oskar blues brewery just a mere 8 miles or so from my fave trails here in Brevard NC. The folks in the tasting room got a kick outta that pic….hmm, wonder if we could start a competition between the 2 breweries for a drunkcyclist.com/oskar blues cross marketing campaign….I could see an awesome jersey in it. :-) Love me some oskar blues!

    If any of you DC’s are ever in the area….hit me up for a tour.

  4. @buck – fuck yea.
    @mikey – that made me cry, in a different way than i’m used to crying.
    @angry buddhist – where? yes.
    @adiposecycliste – you’re hired.

  5. Cupcake. Ask Dirty where. But you were pretty damn close on your way out to Prescott. If you come back the same way, be sure to let me know if you are interested.