Where’s the Outrage?

Been a whole lot of cheek kissin’ booty gabbin’ dick grabbin’ shenanigans going on lately, must be spring because endorphin levels are high and legs are fresh. Some people got all butt-hurt, no pun intended, after our beloved Peter pinched Maya’s tushie. Let us not forget that the kid is 23 and sure, he probably made a bad judgement call, but go back and think about the things you were doing at 23. Don’t be a hypocrite. It’s like you clearly see what’s wrong with someone else, yet view yourself as though standing in front of a fogged mirror. Hogwash. Nonetheless, he apologized.

Then these happened, and all I can say is, “Where’s the outrage?”

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Play on player.

About Cupcake

I don’t have a beer gut, I’ve developed a liquid grain storage facility.

2 Replies to “Where’s the Outrage?”

  1. You know that Cannondale must be having a big giant wet dream this year, with Sagan crushing it. Winning the flat stuff like Ghent and then shooting for the hills this week!?! Hope he it keeps coming for years…