So last night my buddy Dave let me borrow his Pugsley till the weekend. After he left, I put my own pedals on it, raised the seat, pulled the light off the charger and mounted my night vision to my helmet. Luckily the hiking trails are close and was able to quickly find out why these fat bikes are getting popular- they are a monster truck snow bikes! Can’t believe how well the tires stay on top of the snow and the mad traction you get through the corners.

This morning I had to get back out and see where else I could take the bike and ended up taking it to a new trail that I had no idea if anyone had been walking on it or not- when I got to the trail entrance there was just enough foot traffic I thought i’d see how far I could take this fat wheeled bastard.

Come to find out this bike was making my day when it came to getting into the places that I know my 29er would be getting carried and post holing for miles.
I was having fun today blowing my brain, lungs and legs to pieces and then getting the camera out for an excuse to pull it all back together. Like Dirty told me last summer when he came to Spokane, “Cave, stop and smell the roses”- there may have not been any roses to smell today but it was nothing but breaths of fresh air and I’d have to say the bike was as well.
Gotta leave ya with this, if you are gonna ride a fat bike you gotta have fat abs! get some!

Ok, so you’ve beat me down. I’ve seen enough of these fat posts about fat bikes with fat tires plowing through the fat snow. Even though I’m a scrawny ectomorph with knees as brittle as cardboard, I’m jonesin to ride through the wet cement we call snow here in New England.
If you’re gonna ride a fat bike you better have fat quads!
I WISH I had snow to ride on! Got the bike, don’t have the white gold. :(
Yeah man, another one bites the dust!
Fat is where it’s at, glad you had fun =:)
fat is where its at. Arrowhead 135 next week then off to Alaska for the Iditarod.
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