Report from the front line

Our own human baked good, Cupcake, is out at Cyclocross Nationals this weekend in Verona, WI. Which just so happens to be a short ride from his house and he felt the need to represent DC a little more than normal. He said he was going to text me updates throughout the day, but we lost radio contact around 3pm. I had a feeling that might happen. Here is the last transmission I received:


Throwing fireworks at Thom is a pretty funny idea, and I’m sure he loved that. We also heard that DC representer, Charles, was out there racing and needed some beer spilled on him. The rest of the list makes pretty good sense, except for going “Go Fishing”. Was there a lake on the course? Nope:


Hand ups may be a crime in some places, but who can argue with a little fishing. No word from  the mid-western front today, but I’m sure reports will start rolling in soon. That kid makes us nothing but proud.

Results and such of the weekend’s events can be found over at Cyclocross Magazine

Some friends of ours fired up a brand new site called just in time to bring you video interview and coverage from deep in the trenches.

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

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