Will Work For The Future

Ain’t too proud to thank.

1)  I’ve been looking for a new gallery in which to hang my “art.”

2)  Maybe I didn’t look very hard, but I didn’t really find one.

3)  In partnership with Gnome, we’ve started our own.

We have shameless and constantly exposed adoration for the pomp and prissiness of road cycle sporte.  We also participate in it.  We will also show you how it can be dirty and beautiful–  just like here, but with a white background, predominantly skinny tyres, and performance enhancing drugs by the fistful.

So check it.  www.SUPERISSIMO.com  It’s just a different brand of Snakehawk and Gnome.  We have silly, we have tears.  We have the bike in us, too.  Maybe you’ll like the stupid hack-foreigner approach to road and sometimes dirt cycling.  Maybe you’ll like our take on high-society.  Maybe you’ll like it when we get set up to accept payment for the cornucopia of elite crap we have in the pipeline.

Maybe we’ll really like it if you make us another stop on your morning java quest-for-stupid cyber route.  I’ll see you soon.  From behind.  Uh….  I mean, like, in a paceline.



About Snake Hawk

good, bad, funny, sad, stupid, rad, has, had. non-joining funhaver from coast to coast(er brake). buster of the chops, drawer of the logos. North Carolina, USA

5 Replies to “Will Work For The Future”

  1. reading the sight i feel so ISSImo. and thats good. trust your feelings, my mom always said. (not really. she was always much more vulcan than human. for really.)

  2. …i may have to sample & indulge…snegg hogg n’ gnomer…sounds like a feast of abnormality, in the most gracious manner…