It looks like things are going off the chain over across the pond in the land of frites and beer. This time of year is serious business for the hard folks of cross, grabbing every available point in hopes of movng up to a better start row at the World Cups and World Championships. That ladies are shwoing just how tough and strong they are, specifically Compton and Vos treating each World Cup race like a heavyweight bout, trading haymakers only hoping they can inflict more pain than they can take. But really lets get to the bigger news from the race in Loenhout on Friday when Sven Nys took time out of his busy racing schedule, to chase down a fan who threw and beer at him mid race. Clicky Clicky on this linky linky to check out what I’m talking about (it gets good about 35 seconds in). My two cents is that the asshole who tossed the beer deserved to get bitched out, and even a swift kick in the balls if Sven desired. The fact that Nys actually stopped racing to do so made it even better. It’s like my Daddy always taught me, “act like an asshole and you’ll get treated like an asshole, and maybe even get your ass kicked.”
Anyway, because I’m busy plotting my next ponzi scheme in hopes of swindeling rich Denver housewives, I dont have the time to watch all the cross races going on. Luckily a fine photographer gent by the name of Tom Robertson has been spending plenty of time with the Euro Cross Campers snapping photos of everything from World Cup races to the fine landscapes of Belgium. I suggest you take a look at his galleries from Essen, Namur, Zolder, and Loenhout.

If you have a hunt around you can find a lot of live cyclo cross races on the Belgian feeds – places like
you have to be a bit adventurous but you can usually find the race you want to watch just as they are starting.
What is it with those Belgians… First Phil Gilberte in the Tour de France on dog patrol and now Sven Nys looking for a UFC contract!!!
You were para phrasing what I told you. I was never so crude.
Poppa 40 Hands
Looks like another fan knocked the beer thrower on his ass right at the end of the video