About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

173 Replies to “You. Fucking. Liar.”

  1. Again, you should read you own stuff and worry about your own negativity level, almost delusional.

  2. …le tour de france was in armstrongs sights not just as a rider…

    …it’s a true story that he spoke of hoping to become an owner a number of years ago…

    …i can’t help but think how exponentialy more ironic this saga would all be if armstrong had managed to pull together the kind of capital required to finance a takeover of le tour de france…

    …ultimately, i’m sure french pride would preclude that from ever happening but then again, the right offer can change the landscape…

    …just sayin’…

  3. …your suggestion would have legs, not a shred of doubt in my mind…sports entertainment sells & if you know going in that certain “normal” rules have been suspended, i guarantee there’d be an audience…

    …advertising money might be lost because a lotta corps are or pretend they’re bound by ethics but the viewing public would be there…

    …actually, he’d have likely just said – “…well…it’s my race & i don’t care what you guys say…i won it seven times, so, nahnananana !!!”…

  4. “I wonder if it would have become a non-tested event, as in all dopers welcome. Scary.”

    @guest— sort of like the NFL? $100+M in revenues every single weekend?

  5. Holy crap check out this twenty-four seconds of slow-motion video:


    That Pedrosa kid has a firm grasp on the dynamics of his competition vehicle.

    (Surely he’s not a doper, either, although “arm-pump” corrective surgery is apparently common for this class of athlete.)

  6. And to see the other way it can go, here’s Stoner’s high-side from a few weeks ago. Yarly-yarlmeister in the house.

  7. High sides suck for everyone except the cameraman. Had a few high speed low sides in my life, 2 on a motorcycle, 1 on a bicycle. Funny thing is i got fucked up more from the bicyle crash than the 2 motorcycle crashes. I guess it’s the protection difference: leather beats lycra every day.

    What about this epic save?


  8. F’n nuts. Mamola road some demo laps at Laguner when I was there this summer. Those old 500cc two-strokes were as vicious as the big, modern machines of today; narrow power band and curl-your toes acceleration “on the pipe.”

    I understand the hardest part about the modern bikes are the carbon brakes. We saw one of the pro riders throw it off because he’d failed to heat up the brakes properly. Just gnarly.

  9. Team,

    Clicking on the Pedal Pushers ad on the right & then reading his attitude toward the whole Lance debacle makes me ask why is that ad there?

    Does DC condone his attitude? because if so, I’m out of here..

    Yes that’s no loss to DC but I’ll still be able to look at myself in the mirror in the morning.

    Man’s a Fuckwit!

  10. @Hurben

    Did you read the messages on that “Defending Lance” page? Funny exchanges.

    Seems like there are many different attitudes here on DC. Some I agree with. Some I don’t.

    This guy is selling t-shirts and happens to be a fanboy. So what? He’s gonna have a lot of left over t-shirts, I reckon.

    If you really want to change cycling start with human nature.

    Think of all the people who made money off that fraud scumbag Pharmstrong for the past 15 years. The enablers, the sycophants and the co-conspirators, from the UCI to the media assholes like Phil Liggett and manufacturers like Trek. And on down to guys who wrench in the bike shops which sell overpriced Treks to the freds.

    These people have ZERO concern for the corruption. All they care about is green. As in fresh cash.

    And don’t even get me started on the way he defrauded the cancer community.

    Doping was the least of Cancer Jesus’ crimes.

  11. Pedal Pusher site is a perfect example of why disgraced athletes lose their sponsors.

    The guy has decided to stop selling the questionable t-shirt because of the negative attention.

  12. …i pointed this out back when pedal pushers was still selling the t-shirt on their site & ya, the real reason he’s stopped isn’t a fit of conscience, it’s the negative publicity…

    …i think the attitude he expresses is quite likely what a major percentage of the general public will ascribe to the armstrong situation when all is said & done…

    ..if aunt betty had “the cancer” & found comfort in the livestrong foundation, then every one of her family & friends, a whole circle of people, are gonna go – “well, that doping thing wasn’t good but you know, he helped aunt betty when she needed it…”…

    …for most folks, this really is peripheral to the “day to day” of their lives so they’ll read the headlines but they’re not going to delve too deeply…the basic attitude is “…seems like everybody in sports takes some kinda drug & lance is just one more of ’em…”…

    …what’s unfortunate is that they’ll never really understand the part of the saga that i find most egregious, the systematic bullying…the use of lawyers & publicity campaigns to denigrate, abuse, vilify & belittle those who only wished to speak the truth…

    …that behavior literally affected the livelihood of a number of good people…you & i were deceived but their lives were dealt a hardship because they knew a truth about a man who wanted to be famous…

  13. And freely plagiarizing from another website who probably freely plagiarized from ….

    We’re all probably a bit Maillot Jaundiced by now.

  14. …a t-shirt may be just a t-shirt but the editorial behind it spoke volumes…

    …the armstrong situation has raised a lotta hackles, particularly in cyclings editorial world & while it’s absolutely “black n’ white” to some, it’s well shaded w/ gray to others…