Yep. Dude goes off.
And remember, road bikes are dangerous, mmmkay?
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Yep. Dude goes off.
And remember, road bikes are dangerous, mmmkay?
Fuck Me Running.
If I tried any of that shit I’d end up in the ICU.
Great music too. First time I’ve ever heard music on this site I liked.
Hm, it can be a fine line between ‘baller’ and ‘nutter.’ Just sayin’.
…hey – wait a minute…you can’t do that on a road bike…
…why, it’s physically impossible to begin with & one has to think about the sensibilities of the staid, unsmiling ‘hardcore’ roadies & the image they’re trying to preserve…
…awesome stuff, mr ashton !!!…
Seriously, watching bicycle trials on a road bike never gets old…
So… carbon is still scary and bad, right?
I’m gonna guess he voided the warranty…
Carbon wow
I knew there was a good reason to keep my carbon road bike with Zipp wheels. Now to go out and have some fun at the bike park.
…shit. I need to go ride.
Alright, who went and shaved Danny Macaskills legs?
Roadies, always trying to one up a fella doin’ good…..
I fugured out his secret— it’s that five-bolt, asymmetrical pneumatic dropper seatpost. Couldn’t tell from the video whether it had the “full race” decal set, though.
Two words…
Clipped. In.
I just watched it again, and I was wrong. He’s not clipped in. I spied the platform pedals in the opening sequence. Dude is still a bad ass, but I’d love to see how many of those tricks he would commit to while clipped in and wearing a carbon soled shoe. I can tell you how many of them I would try… ZERO.
Do you sometimes find yourself in near-fights with dudes who are like 200 lbs heavier than you, and you “woulda kicked his ass, seabass,” except for the 2 skinny ladies “holding you back?”
“Stop holding me back!”
@Danimal Whu-Huh? I’m 165 pounds of peace and love, baby… No fights for me. If you actually bothered to read my comment(s), you would see that what I actually said was, A- The dude is a bad ass, B- On first viewing I thought he was clipped in, C- I was wrong, but I wonder if he would try any of those stunts if he was, and D- I would never, under any circumstances, try any of that shit, clipped in or not. There was no self aggrandizement anywhere in either comment. I would apologize for not being as clear as I could have been, but based on your comment, you’re just a troll that likes to sound tough on the internet.
…gypsy n’ danimal…now, now, cease & desist…you guys are both just upset that those two chicks at the end of the video won’t lube & wipe down your shit at the end of the day…
…just sayin’…
Fake! How do I know? Women in Britain just don’t look like that (attractive, tanned, perfect teeth).
Holy. Shit. No carbon road wheels were injured during the making of this video.
That was pretty insane. The scariest part was when he let those ladies spray WD-40 on his crankset.
Back-flip out of the sand-trap takes the cake. Try riding skinny tires through bottomless sand some time… then do a backflip… on a road bike… Am I hallucinating?
Did he STRAVA any of that?………Roadies ;)
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