…which means you need a new desktop background.
Proceeds go to making more cool shit for all of you.
On an unrelated topic: who all is going to Interbike this year? Not sure if I’m going to make it, but if I get my out-of-shape ass to the desert, I’d like to meet some DC faces.
SURLY SIDENOTE: Lest you think this is just me hawking my own shit, let me clear the air. These are DRUNKCYCLIST products, not D2 products. All the money from the posters goes to the site or to other shit we’re trying to make for all you fine folks. So far, D2 hasn’t seen a dime of this. It seems the site went through something of a dry spell not long ago, and we’re all working on the back end to give you all lots to shout about, in both a good way and a bad way. I consider myself part of the team; DC is not my site. I’m just using my skills to create stuff that everyone on the DC crew expressed interest in pursuing.
Oh, and it seems some of you don’t like the photos. You’re free to bitch about it in the comments section, so long as you know I don’t give a fuck what your version of hot is, what you think the photos should look like, or how you remember the good ol’ days of Drunkcyclist. If you know me personally, take up your gripes with me personally. These are here, in the now, for those who want them. Everyone else is free to seek stimulation elsewhere.
Stay calm and carry on.
Where are all of the tattoos? Funny how a pure and clean is the new counter-counter culture? I’m liking it. Natural beauty works for me.
Hubba fucking Hubba.
That’s a fantastic pic.
Seeing as how you guys own this site, and we can all vote with our presence, why do so many folks start shit and throw hate? If I didn’t like the content I could go read some other fanboy blogs.
…that young thing looks ‘tired’, deetwo…
…no room for posters but starting on january 1st, i wanna be looking at an honest to god, made out a’ paper, spicy hot, ‘western as fuck’ dc / deetwo calendar…only way i can keep the days separated…
…& speaking of drunkcyclist stuff, it’s a crime against nature that there isn’t an embroidered, white letters on black, sew-on patch just like the drunkcyclist.com stickers…same basic size, same basic shit…
…perhaps the dc roundel should be another separate embroidered patch, ya ???…
…i’ve got several messenger bags that are bereft of dc’s presence…this needs be addressed…
Anyone know how LittleJar is doing?
I find myself wondering about littlejar too?…
Referring back to the last known posts by LJ:
I’d say that Littlejar is fighting for the cause #OccupyPotHole
LJ is a supreme peckerhead. joe makes him look charming.
No one with any sense gives a shit.
I hope he’s dead.
That post was DC’s finest moment.
a bit harsh there mate.
Granted Francis had a talent for pissing people off but occasionally he did write good stuff when he wasn’t trying to change the world & be a martyr.
Certainly he filled a role:
and while looking at that I found this gem:
Yep, if I could have that post stuffed & mounted on a pedestal I would.
…we’d be remiss to discredit littlejar as being anything less an intelligent human being…
…stubborn as a motherfucker (hey, i can relate) & unfortunately for all concerned, himself included, the man has an incredibly low frustration point & not a lotta tact in social situations but i’d stand up & speak for the man’s overall intelligence anytime, whether he believes that or not…
…we were antagonistic to each other plenty of times but i always had hope that he’d see the actual similarities he shared with many of us yet also understand that his short fuse was problematic all round…
…just sayin’…
OK. I officially apologies and withdraw my previous comments.
LJ was a peckerhead. But I agree he was a very smart peckerhead who was in a weird fashion trying to save the World.
He just did it in a really annoying way.
Good on you mate.
I’m not afraid to say that Warren Zevon gives me a boner.
The best of his is what got me interested 30 years ago:
Let’s all say Ahoooooooooooo.
Or how ever the fuck you spell that.
And here I was hoping it was scoop on Surly’s new Krampus frame and wheelset.
I don’t give one god damn Chainsaw about what the ol’ lady had to say nor do I give a chainsaw about what some asshat hiding behind a clever internutz name has to say……
I like my DC Torque conversion chart poster – I just wish DC would release a new jersey WITH sleeveless as an option, carry on
I rode with Littlejar— night ride in downtown Seattle, three or maybe four beer stops. It was fucking wonderful. Rubber side down, brothers.
Speaking of DC Swag, when are we going to see more socks? Guess I should’ve picked up some extras last time.
no socks in the near future, but there will be a jersey in the next couple months…stay tuned
sleeveless option on those Jerseys, DB?
@AZCutter: do you own a pair of scissors?
Warren Zevon had lots of fantastic songs, but for some reason I always hated the werewolf song. Most people disagree with me here.
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner…one of my favorites.
elSid, I don’t think there’s a bad song on that album.
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner.
Thia is it!
I was there & these men had bigger balls than any of you.
Primo video.
I never really knew what that song was about.
Good to know brother.