As I have settled in to my new job and life in the big city, my free time for mountain biking has dwindled. Blame it on living a twenty minute drive away from some singltrack, blame it on having to travel for work, and even blame it on me for not making enough time. Instead I get more of my saddle time from my commute to and from work. The ride works out to about a half hour each way taking me from crowded city streets to quiet suburban neighborhoods. I guess my cycling life has transitioned from Dirt Rag to Urban Velo. Granted it is a cliche, but I am happy to be able to pedal my bike every day, even if it is not the bike, or the path that I would desire.

I must say that the Denver Metro Area has some pretty nice bike paths, bike lanes, and decent roads to get around the city. Whether it be the Cherry Creek or Platte River trails, or the streets with bike lanes that I use on my way to work getting around the city on a bike is fairly easy. Even the motorist seem to be aware of things like “share the road”. Luckily there are plenty of bars or breweries close to the bike paths, to stop in for a drink, because Denver might do cycling infastructure well, but they do places to drink better.

Renegade Brewery has turned into a fine spot to stop in for a “post work. I’m almost at my place, but not quite ready for the day to be finished” drink. I dig their Elevation IPA, and my gal is partial to the 5’O Clock Blonde, and we both have yet to try anything that sucks. The added bonus is that their is a crossfit studio (yeah I called it a studio because its like a dance studio) next door. I like the fact that as I enjoy a fine beer there is a group of cross fitters next door humping a pull up bar convincing themselves they are fit for all the worlds problems. Hopefully once D2 moves his spore ass up here we can hang out here drinking and mock the cross fit crew as they call us pussies for riding bikes. Finally, I’ve turned over another year on the life odometer, and got me a gal who likes to bake. A couple weeks ago I came home to a bike cake, modeled in the likeness of my mountain bike. Granted the head tube angle is a little steep, but I still dug it, and yes you should be jealous.

Oh, D2’s comin’ to Denver with his drinkin’ shoes on. Wife gets there tomorrow. D2 is sure to follow soon…
damn. I was just telling Latin how I probably wasn’t giong to make it up there until next summer…guess I need buy a plane ticket
Good on ya, bro. A ride to work with drinking establishments along the route? Forgetaboutit.
It has been a fair number of years, but I once did a tour of some Denver breweries by bike. Good times. I like(d) Wynkoop Brewing Company and Breckenridge Brewery.
ahem……perhaps the three of us should meander towards the hills and shred some weekend.I have a few nice elevation rides in mind.
mind you, once things have settled down.
Also, if Dirty comes, then perhaps a certain Mr. Cook will tag in as well.
@04: that’s definitely on my radar…though I did blow my fork yesterday, so I gots to get that all squared away now, too…
Any Lady who can bake like that has got to be a keeper.
You are blessed!
…while i’m absolutely delighted by your girl’s artistic culinary abilities & her obvious love for you, a nagging question arises…
…did she ever work for wal-mart, installing forks on magnas ???…
…just askin’, ya ???…
That cake looks primo.
What did it taste like ?
What I’ve noticed over the years. The more artistic the cake the worse it tastes.
It’s a cake, dumbfuck. It’s to be eaten, not ridden. And it didn’t even come frome Wally World. God damn, Pops, buy a vowel.
sweet cake man! talk about having your cake and eating to! you are living the dream
BGW: I had a bike come into the shop the other day with the fork on backward and no bearings in the headset. They did not bring me a cake, but it was still scary/funny.
…that’s funny/crazy stuff, deetwo…
…if you’ll recall, ikea gave every one of their 12,000 employees a free “…wal-mart quality…” bike several years ago & i remember seeing photos of bunches of ’em with the forks backwards…
…interesting handling concept…i guess…
…& wal-mart themselves at their bentonville, arkansas headquarters are providing free use of bikes for local employees so i’m sure we’ll see a few more abstract builds…
40..count me in for a DC ride if that happens.
BJ those two brewerys are still around. They are large bars now with mediocre beers mostly. So many brew pubs at this time in denver and some amazing beers on tap.